
Female, 19 years old, when children patients suffering from bed-wetting, due to deep sleep, every night to wake up several times, otherwise they wet the bed. To this end the night not drinking water, stuttering dry food, has not improved symptoms. Physically weaker, cun pulse is weak, two chi-pulses deeper. Thin white fur, quality Run Red to normal. Pulse shows large virtual kidney qi. Bladder and kidney relative to table, kidney qi is deficiency, the bladder Qi is also virtual. Bladder missed appointments were enuresis.
Prescription: Panguan Yu, Shenshu, Ruiduan-xue.
After treatment: Pointer re-stimulate the urinary bladder Yu, clearing the evil of heat, light stimulation Shenshu points against the side. Kidney qi and strengthen the Du channel function. Were treated 5 times during treatment, the effect is significant, enuresis have not been.
[By] two cun puless main heart and lung, but very close relationship with the heart and kidney. Kidney qi dificiency persons, two cun of the pulse is weak, as common. Gein weakly to run through the remote. Although this patient Shen-cun pulse weak, but no shortness of breath, palpitations, subsidence, etc. of the Qi, but enuresis frequently. Accordingly, deficiency diagnosed as kidney qi. With regard to the pointer reinforcing-reducing techniques, two-handed thumb-tip gently pinch points, added, two-handed thumb-tip with heavy needle and move that called reducing method.

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