Facial palsy (facial paralysis)

Female, 55 years old, feelings on the 8 days before the weeks hot pain in the head and ears, wash face after getting up next morning and found the left side of face numb and tense, eyelid can be closed, tears, language disadvantage, talking air leakage, brush teeth leakage of food consumption-inch gap remaining in the ipsilateral cheek teeth. Tongue feeling numb, dull sense of taste.
Check: ipsilateral frown, drums gills, whistle are not, the amount of grain disappears. Ipsilateral eyelid closure insufficiency, nasolabial fold flat. Facial muscle relaxants, mouth hanging and twisted to the healthy side, even worse when you laugh. Pink tongue, bitter white, weak pulse. Described above in patients with heat, outside by the cold, wind invaded the meridian occurs facial paralysis.
After the treatment: In the face using continuous flash tank treating four times, symptoms reduced, the amount of grain to the affected side extension 3cm, eyes closed insurance can be basically treated seven times, the amount of grain and the nasolabial fold of basic recovery, basically to correct skew mouth, eyes insurance closed, tongue numbness disappeared, taste recovery. Also treated five times, subjective symptoms and signs disappeared completely. A total of 12 times after recovery rule. Follow-up year, in good condition.

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