Urinary tract stones

Urinary tract stones is the object of some crystals and organic matrix accumulation in the urinary tract abnormalities, including kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones and urinary tract calculi. The main symptoms are characterized by abdominal cramps array for the waist or less, hematuria, discharge sizes of stones, urinary frequency, urgency, interrupted urine flow, difficulty urinating. The disease occurs in 20 to 40 years old, male to female ratio of 4.5:1. Urinary tract stones if not promptly treated, may lead to serious complications. Urinary tract stones belongs to Chinese medicine, “Shilin”, “discredited”, “labor leaching” and other areas.

[Etiology and pathology]
The pathogenesis in the kidney and bladder, and kidney, liver, spleen, bladder and other organs related. Cause of many from the hot and humid Accumulation coke, suffering urine, lack of impurities in the urine to form sand and gravel; also be due to the gas fire in the next Yu Jiao, kidney, bladder gasification leading to negative, urinary dysfunction, to form stones; if persistent diseaseunhealed, the heat Shangyin Tianjin, wet stop yang, there spleen deficiency, qi stagnation and so is virtual real evil Syndrome.

[Diagnostic points
1 Pain is the main symptom of urinary tract stones. Kidney stones or kidney area pain in upper abdomen, can dull pain or cramps; ureteral stones more than the typical colic pain, often sudden onset, excruciating, may be associated with nausea and vomiting; and bladder stones in the pubic or perineal pain in terminal pain when urinating.
(2) there may be hematuria, discharge sizes of stones, urinary frequency, urgency, interrupted urine flow, difficulty urinating.
3 red blood cells in urine microscopy.
4 X-ray of the urinary tract diagnosis is important.
5 Intravenous urography and retrograde pyelography can clearly show the general location of stones, size, shape and number of urinary tract and the whole situation.
6.B ultrasound to diagnose X-ray-negative stones.

[Dialectical type]
1 under the coke heat Accumulation symptoms: backache, when pain, cramps or waist unbearable, poor delay urination, or sudden interruption of urination, tingling, burning, or urine when the folder gravel, yellow urine, red, or blood in urine, bad breath, mouth pain, constipation. Red, yellow and greasy coating, slippery pulse.
Syndrome analysis: hot and humid Accumulation coke, suffering urine, became gravel, sand and gravel remain on the inside, hamper the kidney, so when backache pain, worse cramps can be unbearable waist; damp, bladder gasification Division lost, stagnation not discharged, it is poor delay urination; gravel cholestasis waterways, it is suddenly interrupted urination, tingling, burning; gravel injury network, you see blood in the urine; hot and humid to be filled, then the bad breath, mouth pain , urine red; Damp steam large intestine, is constipation; yellow and greasy fur, slippery pulse are signs of heat.
(2) symptoms of liver qi of fire: threat of inflation low back pain, low back pain exacerbated if, then cited the lower abdomen pain, involving the negative stock, difficult urination astringent, drip down, or does not want out, interrupted urine flow, abdominal swelling infirmity, distress unbearable. Thin yellow coating, pulse a few strings.
Syndrome analysis: Liver Shuxie, the pulse through the lower abdomen, around the genitals, liver qi stagnation, Ikuhisa fire, gas fire in the next Yu Jiao, bladder gasification negative, then the threat of inflation low back pain, lower abdomen, waist Tong Shen traction Yin shares; gravel blocking waterways, it is difficult to urinate astringent, drip rain, or does not want out, interrupted urine flow; gasification bladder disorders, urinary retention, abdominal swelling and therefore infirmity, distress and unbearable; thin yellow coating, pulse string for the stagnation of the fire number signs.
3, spleen and kidney deficiency symptoms strength: after a long illness, Shenpi fatigue, waist pain, like rubbing hi, have great case of labor, no significant urinary astringent, urine out of weakness, lower abdomen bulge, when the sand in urine Stone, anorexia, loose stools, looking Shaohua. Thin coating, the tongue with teeth marks on edge, thin weak pulse.
Syndromes: stones falling, Hao Shang strength, spleen and two losses measured see Shenpi fatigue; kidney deficiency, gasification negative, then the waist pain, like rubbing hi, have great case of labor, urinary astringent not significant; Spleen trap, so the lower abdomen bulge, the urine out of weakness; row and endless sand, the sand in urine when the folder; spleen lost health movement, the anorexia, then sugar; pale complexion, thin, pale edge with teeth marks, thin weak pulse for the spleen and kidney deficiency, blood deficiency like.
4 kidney Qi and Yin deficiencies symptoms: falling stones, back pain rain, small urinate slightly astringent, dripping Lek, hematuria red, hot flushes and night sweats, five upset hot, dry mouth and throat, dizziness, ringing in the ears. Red tongue, little pain, rapid pulse.
Syndromes: Shilin course of time, or clearing off the bitter cold, injury righteousness, or air stagnation heat Accumulation understand, of Huozhuo yin, leading to kidney Qi and Yin deficiencies, kidney shut dereliction of duty, so the rain, back pain, a small search slightly astringent, dribbling, incomplete;
Virtual lack of yin fire a flushes and night sweats within the bioassay, five upset hot; Hot disability allowance, so the dry mouth and throat; virtual Huozhuo Shangyin network, blood overflow pulse, so see bright red blood in the urine; kidney deficiency, marrow empty , the dizziness, ringing in the ears; red tongue, little pain, rapid pulse is Yin deficiency symptoms.

[And Treatment]
1 is the next focus of heat Accumulation rule: clearing heat, Tong-Lin Pai Shi.
Recipe: Shi Wei San and eight are scattered, three gin addition and subtraction.
Shi Wei Dong Kuizi 15 g 15 g 12 g Qu Mai sharp build money grass 12 g 12 g 30 Ridge Jinsha Gallus gallus 9 grams gardenia 9 g Plantago 30 grams (including fried) 15 g Talc 6 g licorice root tip Akebia 9 grams subtraction with the disease: waist colic, plus TGP 30 grams to priorities pain; urination stagnation poor persons, Gase diarrhea, Polyporus, Poria 12 grams each, to light penetration dampness; urine blood were to increase the thistle, thistle, grass, habitat, each with 12 grams, to stop bleeding in urine; bad breath, mouth pain, plus berberine 3 grams, Scutellaria, Phellodendron of 9 grams to heat dampness; constipation, add rhubarb 9 g (later), the purging fire purge.
2 liver qi of fire Therapeutic: Liver Qi Li, Tong-Lin Pai Shi.
Recipe: Aquilaria Powder Shi Wei Decoction.
Shi Wei Dong Kuizi 15 g Talc 15 g 15 g 12 g money grass Jinsha 30 Ridge Citrus sinensis 3 g 9 g 9 g Vaccaria angelica peony root 9 g 9 g 6 g gentian shoot nine grams of licorice with the disease in Canada Less: flank pain, plus Bupleurum, Corydalis, Sichuan?? child of 9 grams, the liver qi; astringent difficult urination, interrupted urine flow, plus psyllium (including fry), Alisma IS g , Akebia 6 grams, to facilitate water Shenshi.
3, spleen and kidney deficiency Therapeutic strength: kidney and spleen, tonic row of stone.
Recipe: Da Bu Yuan Jian combined three gin addition and subtraction.
Astragalus 12 grams 12 grams 12 grams yam Codonopsis Poria 12 Keze diarrhea Rehmannia 15 g 12 g 6 Kedu Cornus 9 Keba Ji Zhong Ke Chuan Achyranthes 12 g 9 days Cuscuta 12 g Money Grass 30 Ridge Jinsha 12 g talc 12 g licorice tip 9 grams subtraction with the disease: urine out of weakness, lower abdomen bulge, plus Cimicifuga 6 grams of Pueraria 9 grams, the lifting yang; anorexia, plus Gallus gallus domesticus 6 grams, hawthorn, Divine Comedy 9 grams each, to digestion appetizer; loose stools, plus Yiyiren 15 grams, 9 grams lentils to the spleen to stop diarrhea.
4 Kidney Qi and Yin deficiencies rule: Qi Yin, Tong-Lin niter.
Recipe: Zhi Bo Di Huang nine co-Shi Wei Decoction.
Rehmannia habitat 9 g 9 g Anemarrhena 12 grams 15 grams of yam Cornus 9 Kedan Pi 9 Keze diarrhea Polyporus Poria 15 grams 15 grams 15 grams 30 grams of astragalus Cork 9 g Shi Wei Dong Kuizi 15 g 15 g talc 15 g licorice tip 9 grams subtraction with the disease: those bright red hematuria, increase thistle, thistle grass 15 grams, 9 grams gelatin, 30 g Rhizoma Imperatae to clearing away heat to stop bleeding; hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, dizziness tinnitus, plus turtle version, turtle shell, each with 12 grams, Dendrobium, 9 grams medlar, to clearing away heat.

[Chinese medicine]
1 Money Grass granules each time a packet, 3 times a day.
2 rows of stone soup every 25 to 50 ml, 2 times a day.
3. Zhibai Dihuang each 4.5 grams, 2 times a day.

[Side] is simple
1 Gallus gallus a daily morning tea to drink with.

(2) to take fish head fish brain stone 20, drying, and research very fine, each 1 to 2 grams, 2 times a day, warm water.

3 fresh corn roots, leaves or corn cob, 30 grams, Jianshui tea.

[] Other therapies
Acupuncture: Point Selection Shenshu, bladder Yu, in a very, Yin Ling Quan, Sanyinjiao, appointed Yang, natural valley, reinforcing-reducing or reducing method, every other day.
(1) 100 grams of rice, add water scouring the net, releasing 50 g walnut meat, porridge eating.
(2) with fresh gourd smashed Jiao Zhi, 2 times a day, each time a spoon.
(3) grass 500 g, washed chopped fan into the hot pan fried, cooked into the liquor, add sauce pan together after, dressed in uniforms.
(4) Corn, corn roots, corn cob, 30 grams, add water, dextrose, drink several times a day.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy method.

1 urinary tract stones to active treatment, to prevent complications. Patients with urinary stones should drink more water, urine output increased to flush the urethra to remove the stones may form the core of the material, but also to dilute the urine is not easy to precipitation of crystals in urine, the daily water intake 1500 to 3000 ml or more, before going to bed Do not drink more water, middle of the night and then drink 200 ml is better.
(2) suffering from oxalate stones should eat spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, bamboo shoots, cocoa, eat celery, carrots, apples, pears, etc. to promote the excretion of oxalate foods. Risk of uric acid stones should eat low-protein diet, reducing meat, fish, chicken and animal offal, peanuts, chestnuts and other Han Piaoling more food intake, can eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, milk. Suffering from phosphate stones should eat acidic foods, such as ebony, lemon, vinegar can be mixed with food. Suffering from calcium stones should eat high calcium foods such as milk, tofu, sesame, can eat peas, pumpkins and other food.
3. The urinary system stones should be actively treated, discharged stones good prognosis. Will lead to stone formation such as urinary tract obstruction, urinary retention, leading to renal pelvis, calyx, hydroureter, and ultimately will make kidney atrophy, kidney damage and even loss of function; or urinary tract stones can directly damage the mucosa, causing congestion edema, or ulcers bleeding; easily lead to infection or urinary tract obstruction, severe gum product can produce kidney and renal complications go far around, the prognosis is poor.