
Cause of hypoglycemia is caused by a blood glucose concentration is too low, and the resulting sympathetic overactivity and brain dysfunction syndrome-based group. To hunger, pale, heart palpitations rapid pulse, cold sweat, numbness or tremors, fear or mental disorder, and even then as the main clinical features of syncope. The most common clinical features of unexplained hypoglycemia, more common in middle-aged women, long-term repeated attacks, but no signs of deterioration. Followed by β-cell tumors and a variety of endocrine disease caused by.
Hypoglycemia is a traditional Chinese medicine, “syncope”, “virtual wind” and other areas.

[Etiology and pathology]
More for the cause of hypoglycemia endowment element is weak or physically weak after the illness, stomach is not healthy, lack of source blood, causing heart and liver dystrophy, soul owner, therefore disease.
Pathological changes of the spleen and stomach deficiency, the main receiving the stomach, spleen transport. Xu Gu stomach gas is not sufficient, then the hunger for; Spleen not to metaplasia of blood or loss of charge transport the refined side of the five internal organs. Heart blood, its in the face, the main consciousness. Lack of effort, the pale, heart palpitations, rapid pulse, even God, the owner and no mental disorder. Liver blood deficiency, virtual wind dynamic test numbness or tremors, convulsions and even then. Burned by blood, body and spirit dystrophy measured limp, trance. Yang storms off, sweat loss astringent, the Qing lost the charge, you sweat frequent, coma syncope. In addition, alcohol addiction binge drinking, the stomach hurt, clean air does not rise, not fall phlegm aggregate, on the Mongolian orifices, also cause sudden drop in blood sugar, drowsiness and coma.

[Diagnostic points
1 hunger, fear, anxiety, pallor, palpitations, rapid pulse, cold sweats, limb tremor, syncope and other symptoms of sympathetic nervous excitement, and thinking, concentration, hallucinations, mania, epilepsy and other brain dysfunction symptoms, rather than postprandial 3 hours or so episodes.
(2) low or normal fasting glucose, blood sugar attack than 2.8mmol / L; high fasting plasma insulin determination.

[Type] dialectical
1 Heart and deficiency symptoms: onset and more slowly, dizziness, sweating, pale, palpitation palpitations, fear, forgetfulness, and even then the spirit of the exception. Pale tongue, thin, thin veins.
Syndromes: Heart and blood deficiency steam two losses, no more than wing, the dizziness, pale; Qi lost photo is sweating, lack of effort, do not hide the blood of God, the palpitation palpitation, fear, forgetfulness, and even mental disorders; pale tongue, thin, thin veins, are the heart and spleen of the levy.
2 liver deficiency wind symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tremors, and even then syncope, or convulsions, the two heads on the turn, foaming at the mouth. Pink tongue, thin pulse string.
Syndromes: liver blood deficiency, are not awakened on the wing, the dizziness, blurred vision; virtual wind stirring, then numbness or tremors, or syncope, or convulsions, foaming at the mouth and two eyes on the turn, etc.; pink tongue, thin, thin veins string, are liver blood deficiency, virtual wind moving the sign.
3 sputum lively awakened symptoms: alcohol addiction after binge drinking, sweating, drowsiness, coma and delirium. Red, yellow and greasy fur, slippery pulse.
Syndromes: BRANDIED phlegm, binge drinking, the phlegm filled, stomach hurt; temper is not healthy, Qing Yang does not rise, not fall Wei Qi, phlegm turbid evil on the Mongolian orifices, it is lethargy, coma and delirium ; heat within the force, then sweating; red tongue, yellow greasy a few, are filled with the signs of phlegm.
4 Qi Yang off symptoms: palpitation hunger, trance, pale, cold sweat, frequent, and even then the coma syncope. Pink tongue, thin rapid pulse or weak.
Syndromes: blood burned, Body and Spirit is not raised, then flustered hunger, trance, pale; yang storms off, sweat loss astringent, cold sweat Qing frequent loss of charge measurement, coma and syncope; pale tongue red tongue, thin, rapid pulse or weak, are off the Yang Qi Zheng.

[Type] treatment
1 Heart and deficiency rule is: Heart tonic.
Recipe: Spleen Decoction Tianwangbuxin Danga.
Codonopsis Astragalus 15 g 12 g 12 g Semen Angelica 9 grams Polygala winter oats 3 Schisandra 6 g 9 g 9 g Bozi Zhigancao longan meat 15 grams, 3 grams subtraction with the disease: and Yin Fanre, plus habitat 12 grams, Scrophulariaceae 12 grams, Anemarrhena 9 grams, 9 grams aspartame to Ziyinqingre; spirit of excitement, plus magnet 30 grams (Xian Jian), Health and Long teeth 30 grams (fry) to sedative .
2 liver deficiency wind Therapeutic: Liver Xifeng.
Recipe: Bugan Decoction.
Angelica 9 grams dogwood work at 6 g 2 g flavors peony 15 grams astragalus, 20 grams Chuanxiong 6 grams papaya 6 g Rehmannia 12 grams 15 grams of yam medlar 12 grams 6 grams of licorice jujube 6 subtraction with the disease: epilepsy-like hair authors, plus system, Southern Star 12 grams, white tuber 9 g, with phlegm expelling wind; chest tightness, heave a deep sigh, depression, plus Bupleurum 9 grams, 9 grams turmeric to liver qi.
3 phlegm Mongolia awakened rule is: phlegm, resuscitation Xingshen.
Recipe: Iris Yujin Tang Yu Shu Danga.
Iris 9 g turmeric 12 g Xianzhuli 20 g 9 g Forsythia Shanzhizi bamboo 9 g 12 g 6 Kedan Pi 9 g Mu Tong Yu Shu Dan 3 g subtraction with the disease: irritability, thirst, headache, plushabitat 15 grams, Anemarrhena 12 grams, Gehua 9 grams, to clearing away heat, Chufan refreshing; vomiting were. berberine plus 3 grams, ginger Pinellia 9 grams, Jiang Zhuru 9 grams to Qingwei Jiangni.
4 Qi Yang off rule: Qi Hui Yang solid off.
Recipe: Shen Fu Tang Shengmaisan.
Ginseng 12 grams (also fried) with a piece Winter oats 12 g 12 g 30 heterophylla Schisandra keel 6 g 12 g 30 g dogwood (Xian Jian) oysters, 30 grams (Xian Jian) subtraction with the disease: cold extremities were evident, Add ginger 5 grams cinnamon 2 grams (versus service); irritable and cold extremities were not significant, go with a film, plus 30 grams of wheat Huai, Zhigancao 5 grams, jujube 5, with uneasiness of mind.

[Chinese medicine]
Guipi 6 grams each time, 3 times a day.

[Simple] side
50 grams of astragalus, angelica 10 grams, jujube 20 grams, Shuijianbi, l agent for recurrent hypoglycemia, heart and spleen were.

[Other therapies]
Acupuncture: Qi Yang desirable off-type people, Baihui, Zusanli, Neiguan and other points, acupuncture and use, needle use fill method, moxibustion to remission so far.
Food therapy: 100 grams of ginseng, longan meat 100 grams, 500 grams of sugar. Ginseng decoction will slag (slag may be another use), and longan meat, cook and then boiled with sugar, longan and sugar. Low blood sugar at normal fat meal may take about 1 hour, 10 grams each. Deficiency were not hot.

1 functional history of recurrent hypoglycemia, there is a certain regularity, should take active measures, such as standing sugar products to the emergency.
(2) due to tumor or other endocrine disease caused by hypoglycemia, response due to treatment.
3 incidence of dying, it is timely application of modern medicine, emergency treatment measures.
4 to avoid excessive labor, vicious emotional stimuli, alcoholism and other negative factors, it should also strengthen physical exercise.