
Diabetes is due to absolute or relative lack of insulin, causing sugar, fat, protein metabolism, resulting in a group of endocrine and metabolic syndrome. With polydipsia and polyuria polyphagia, fatigue, weight loss, etc. syndrome group, and the blood circulation in abnormally high concentrations of glucose as the main clinical features. According to the modern etiology, clinical divided into type Ⅰ diabetes (absolute insulin deficiency), Ⅱ diabetes (mainly associated with insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency or insulin, the apparent lack of insulin resistance), specificity of diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus (type 4) four type (according to 1996 WHO diabetes (type 3) diagnostic classification of the revised standard). Most type I diabetes, the annual incidence of childhood have ketoacidosis tendency; Ⅱ diabetes mellitus in the elderly mainly obese majority. With the extended duration of diabetes may be associated with eye, nerve and heart, brain, kidney and other tissues and organs of chronic vascular complications of diabetes become ill and die this is the main factor. Diabetes is a traditional Chinese medicine, “Diabetes” category.

[Etiology and pathology]
The causes of diabetes are both internal and external: internal as ferrite Yin; outside because of unbridled eating Feigan, emotional disorders, workers want to over or feel toxic heat, etc., caused by Huozhuo Yin-chun, hot flashes to be filled, and the hairDiabetes.
Pathological changes are mainly hot Yin. Attending the lung section, above the water source, such as Yin Dryness, loss of body fluid in Zibu, the loss of Ru Yun stomach, kidney failure Zi source; stomach Piansheng, then burns the lung fluid, depletion of yin; and kidney yin deficiency, wang, but also on the burning lungs, stomach, and finally to dry Hyperactivity stomach, kidney yin deficiency lack, so many drinks, more food, more and see each other in urine. Permit extension of the course of time, both Qi and Yin injury, then see the fatigue weight loss of the disease.Sinister and yang, yin and yang deficiency, spleen and kidney decline, moisture retention, proliferation of the skin, compared with edema. Heat deficiency, often students change card: loss of moisture, such as the lung, the course of time may be complicated by tuberculosis. Loss of kidney yin conservation liver failure, kidney and blood can not be on the order in the eyes and ears, may be complicated by cataracts, deafness. Heat inside the knot, shade was burning camp, venae Stagnation, Yun-toxic pus, made for the furuncle, ulcer. Yin hot inside the burning, mixing liquid into the sputum, blood Chi into stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, Blockage of the chest veins, Chest is made; Blockage of the meridian, blind minded, then the hair stroke hemiplegia.

[Diagnostic points
1 Typical clinical manifestations of polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue, etc., who have atypical symptoms.
2 many venous fasting blood glucose laboratory tests ≥ 7.ommol / L, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose ≥ 11.lmmol / L, or random blood glucose ≥ 11.lmmol / L. (Repeat as necessary). No symptoms of high blood sugar, but is suspect, to do a glucose tolerance test. In addition, insulin release test, glycated hemoglobin and other tests to help diagnose the disease further observation.

[Type] dialectical
1 lung and stomach heat symptoms: polydipsia polydipsia, dry mouth, urine more frequently, eat easy to hunger, emaciation, dry stool. Red tongue, yellow dry, slippery pulse. Found in the early stage of diabetes.
Syndromes: Hyperactivity flaming, Hao Shang body fluid, so polydipsia polydipsia, dry mouth; lung attending festival, hot flashes lung injury, negligence rule section, water is not of Tianjin, straight tends to lower, so the frequent urination volume ; stomach fire flaming, the consumption Valley good hunger;
Eliminate burning fluid and blood, without sufficient support to the muscles, so emaciation; stomach Jin insufficient loss of moisture measurement constipated colon; red tongue, yellow dry, slippery pulse, lung and stomach were excessive heat of the levy.
(2) Qi and Yin Deficiency symptoms: dry mouth, dry lips, frequent urination volume or turbidity, Shenpi fatigue, dizziness, head paste, waist and knees. Red tongue, thin or less, pulse or breakdown.
Seen in the mid-diabetes.
Syndromes: hot long protracted, Qi, so the dry mouth, dry lips, Shenpi fatigue; kidney-oriented, kidney failure in astringent, fine-chun discharged, the frequent urination volume, cloud, such as fat cream; kidney yin deficiency, liver and also loss, and blood can not be on the order of head, the dizziness, head paste; not to be sufficient to support weak, then the waist and knees; red tongue, thin or less, pulse or breakdown, both gas Yin deficiency of the elephant.
3 yin and yang deficiency symptoms: frequent urination, and even drink a click, particularly at night, dry mouth and dry face, waist and knees, impotence impotence, cold limbs, foot tarsal swelling.
Pale tongue, thin white fur, thin weak pulse. Seen in late diabetes.
Syndromes: kidney stores the essence Turbidity, kidney failure solid possession, subtle leakage, sperm loss liquid dry, dip extension of the course of time, Yin and Yang; kidney is less, not of the refined gas, water gas is not taken, so urine frequency, drinking a steep one; Yang bad night, the night is even worse; Mizutsu essence betting, free to charge the body, the dry mouth and dry face, waist and knees; deficiency decline, with no temperature operation, the impotence is not move, cold limbs.Moisture retention is full with diffuse swelling; pale tongue, thin white fur, thin weak pulse, kidney yin and yang are the sign.
4 symptoms of blood stasis: Shezao drink less, limb pain or numbness, or paralysis, or chest tightness, tingling, or the country blind. Tongue or ecchymosis, pulse astringent. This type is often associated with type Ⅱ or Ⅲ type in the.
Syndromes: hot disability allowance, allowance not contain blood, blood stasis, Blockage of the limbs meridian, the pain and numbness, or paralysis without; Bizu chest network, then the chest tingling; Blockage of the liver network, head loss and bloodsufficient to support the measure is not as blind; tongue with ecchymosis, pulse astringent, both blood stasis of the levy.

[Type] treatment
1 lung and stomach heat treatment are: moist lung and stomach, thirst.
Recipe: Diabetes party together by liquid Tonga flavor.
TCS Coptis 5 g 12 g 12 g habitat, winter oats Scrophulariaceae 12 Polygonatum 12 g 12 g 9 g reed rhizome 12 g Anemarrhena subtraction with the disease: polydipsia lead to drink, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry yellow moss, were loud pulse , plus ginseng 9 grams, 30 grams of gypsum (Xian Jian), to Qi Yin, Qing Xie Wei Huo; easy to eat hungry, plus 12 grams skullcap, gardenia 9 grams, to help Qingwei Xiehuo; skin soresulcer, plus dandelion 15 grams, Viola 15 g, Radix 15 grams, to detoxify circulation.
(2) Therapeutic Qi and Yin Deficiency: Qi Yin, Spleen and Kidney.
Recipe: Yu Ye Tang Zi?? Drink flavored.
30 grams of astragalus root 9 g Anemarrhena 9 Kege Schisandra 6 grams 12 grams yam dogwood raw Rehmannia 12 grams 12 grams 12 grams medlar subtraction with the disease: fatigue weight loss, plus 9 g of ginseng to help the spleen qi; waist knees and knees were, Ghassan parasitic 15 grams, Cistanche 15 grams to kidney strong waist; turbid urine, such as cream, plus treating diabetes 6 g, 9 g Sang steep prostitute to help Shibuya fine; See, irritability, insomnia, emission, red tongue, rapid pulse, plus Cork 9 grams, the turtle version of 9 grams (fry), keel, oysters of 30 g (Xian Jian) to Xiehuo Yin, Gujing Yang.
3 yin and yang rule is: Kidney yang.
Recipe: Pill.
Monkshood 9 grams of cinnamon powder 2 grams (versus service) Health Rehmannia 12 grams 12 grams 12 grams yam Cornus 15 Kedan Pi Poria 9 Keze diarrhea 12 grams subtraction with the disease: God-shaped decline ¹, plus 30 grams of astragalus 6 to 15 grams of ginseng to nourishing vitality; edema, proteinuria, plus 15 grams Atractylodes, Polyporus 15 grams, 15 grams psoralen, deer grass title 15 grams of water to spleen, kidney and eliminate proteinuria .
4 Therapeutic blood stasis: Yiqiyangyin Huoxuetongluo.
Recipe: Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang by liquid soup.
15 grams of astragalus angelica 9 g Chuan Xiong Radix 15 g 9 g 9 g earthworm habitat 12 Winter oats 12 g 12 g Scrophularia addition and subtraction with the disease: extremities tingling, plus artillery Shan Jia 9 grams, five grams of Scorpio to Tongluozhitong; stroke hemiplegia, plus leech 9 grams to 9 grams turtle worms to enhance circulation meridians; chest tightness, tingling, plus peach 9 grams, safflower 9 grams, 15 grams of Salvia, Corydalis 9 grams, qi and blood circulation to relieve pain; retinal lesions caused by blind persons, plus Eclipta 12 grams, Health Burnet 12 grams. Young child Aj 15 grams to Liver cooling.

[Chinese medicine]
1 Zhibai Dihuang 6 grams each time, 3 times a day.
2 Pill 6 grams each time, 3 times a day.

[Simple] side
1 habitat, TCS, Astragalus, Chinese yam, 30 grams, Shuijianbi day one, for diabetes performance Shenpi fatigue, dry mouth.

(2) a porcine pancreas, low-temperature drying into powder system Honey nine, 6 grams each time, 2 day service. Patients with diabetes should regularly take.

3 corn, snow grass 30 grams, water decoction behalf of the tea for diabetic patients with proteinuria.

[Other therapies]
Food therapy: a pig pancreas, raw Coix, yam, astragalus, 30 grams, Astragalus decoction to Java to take even tomatoes, add ginger, wine, salt is made, Decoction and fresh pig pancreas for diabetes, polydipsia urine, Shenpi fatigue were.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture Feishu, every Yu, stomach Yu, Yu pancreas, spleen, gu, Zusanli, shen, Guan Yuan, Sanyinjiao and other points, 2 to 3 points each election, reinforcing-reducing,each time the needle 20 minutes, IO-day course of treatment.

1 Diabetes is a lifelong disease, and only adhere to treatment, control blood sugar.
(2) science diet, physical activity, prevent obesity, and workers want to avoid excessive stress.
3 active treatment of diabetes complications, in order to avoid the vicious cycle of hyperglycemia.