Inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion

Threatened abortion was unable to control the amount of vaginal bleeding gradually to increase, lower abdominal pain continued, even intensified, cervix, pregnancy can not continue to say the inevitable abortion. If the gestational sac or embryonic part of the discharge of the vagina, some left in the uterine cavity, continuous abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, this is the incomplete abortion. Recurrent bleeding, incomplete abortion or severe bleeding, or caused by shock. Embryonic tissue is left in the intrauterine longer time, fever, foul smell vaginal effluent, the formation of septic abortion, can cause severe peritonitis, sepsis, severe consequences. Clinical diagnosis of inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, should be immediately clear intrauterine fetal and placental tissues things. Inevitable abortion and incomplete abortion the equivalent of Chinese medicine, “abortion,” miscarriage “areas. Where the pregnancy 12 weeks, the embryos naturally perish fall called “abortion”. Pregnancy from 12 to 28 weeks, the fetus has been forming naturally perish fall known as the “miscarriage”.

[The cause of pathological
Tocolysis failed development threatened abortion from a common etiology and pathology of blood stasis and Qi deficiency and blood stasis.
Qi stagnation emotional stagnation steam-poor pregnant after an abortion, blood stagnation in the uterus, bleeding not new blood can not be normalized by Erzhi.
Qi and Blood ferrite deficiency of qi or infirm, weak blood, inability to blood stasis and post-abortion fetus.

Diagnostic points.
1 according to the pregnancy in threatened abortion on the basis of increased vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain intensified, the embryo is more than have died, can not continue to maintain pregnancy.
Inevitable abortion Gynecological when you see the cervix is open, see pregnancy tissue material is blocked in the cervix, less bleeding, less or more, the size of the Palace and the months of pregnancy consistent, urine pregnancy test was positive or negative. B ultrasound to see the size of the Palace is consistent with the pregnant months, intrauterine see yet complete fetal and placental tissues.
3 incomplete abortion the Gynecological see the cervix is slightly open, or visible to a small amount of pregnancy tissue matter, the amount of bleeding or less. Palace is less than a month of pregnancy, Annex negative. Urine pregnancy test was positive or negative. B ultrasound see the Palace of the body is less than month of pregnancy, only to see some residual pregnancy tissue in the uterine cavity.
Abortion refers to less than 12 weeks of pregnancy, the embryos perish naturally fall can not continue the pregnancy. Miscarriage refers to the pregnancy from 12 to 28 weeks, the fetus has been forming naturally perish falling, can not continue the pregnancy.

The dialectical type].
1. Blood stasis after pregnancy lower abdomen pain refused to press, vaginal bleeding, uneven, or block things fall out of the blocks of the pain less, when you want to pan-evil. Moss thin, dark quality, pulse string.
2 QDBS after pregnancy vaginal bleeding more and push up the blood clots, lower abdomen pain, fall, looking? S white, Shenpi fatigue, dizziness, palpitations. Pale tongue, thin white fur, thready and weak pulse or string.

A. Qi stagnation Governing Law: qi and blood circulation under the tire.
Recipe: Red walnuts fried addition and subtraction.
Safflower 9 grams walnuts 9 Kedan parameter 12 grams to 10 grams of Angelica Chuanxiong 9 grams of red peony root 10 g of fumarate 12 g of raw Puhuang 15 g 15 g (including fry) Citrus aurantium 10 g Cyperus 10 Kechuan Achyranthes 9 grams Motherwort
2 QDBS Governing Law: Qi and blood stasis and the next tire.
Recipe: the biochemical Decoction.
Ginseng 9 g 10 g Chuanxiong 9 g Baojiang 3 g walnuts 12 grams of raw Puhuang 15 g 12 g (package fried) Patrinia, 12 Kedu Chung Motherwort 12 grams of Angelica

[Proprietary Chinese medicine]
1 Motherwort Medicine daily 2 or 3 times, each time a packet, boiled water. For post-abortion uterine atony, lochia without a net.
The cured film mixture daily 2 times 30 ml oral.
Lochia without a net for abortion.

[Simple square

[Other therapies]

A threatened abortion and inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion treatment principles are completely different, the former fetus, the latter two are cured tire. Therefore found that abortion patients must first be diagnosed as what kind of abortion, and then develop a treatment principles.
2 eager recurrent miscarriage and fertility, abortion should continue to be traditional Chinese medicine conditioning organs and blood, and enhance the Chong and Ren pulse function, and to lay a good foundation for future normal pregnancy.