Postpartum milk abnormal

Postpartum milk little, or nothing, called “Queru”, or “milk no less than”; postpartum milk without the baby sucking overflow from time to time, referred to as “leakage of milk or milk from the overflow.

Etiology, Pathology
Etiology and pathology of the abnormal postpartum milk more frail, blood biochemical disorders and emotional depression-related liver failure catharsis.
1. Qi deficiency loss of solid postpartum temper weak, the gas shortage, astringent no right to milk with over of the milk from the overflow.
2. Weak blood postpartum frail, two blood loss, lack of Chemsource or childbirth excessive bleeding steam and blood deficiency can not be turned into milk, and thus milk little or nothing.
3. Liver Qi stagnation, postpartum emotional depression, liver failure of gas-poor milk obstruct resistance no less than, and therefore the milk can not.
The stagnation of the fire Yunu hurt the liver, anger Kang Sheng catharsis too, forcing milk spills.

Diagnostic points
1. Postpartum milk less or nothing, or without a baby sucking and squeezing continue to leak out, are abnormal postpartum milk out.
Postpartum milk less or no the Queru disease of characteristics, but should be differentiated mammary abscess. The breast abscess beginning of chills, fever, breast pain, swelling, following purulent ulceration carbuncle. Queru no disease can be identified.
Postpartum milk without a baby sucking or squeezing natural overflow for the leakage characteristics of breast disease. Subject to the galactorrhea phase identification, galactorrhea occurs in pregnancy, in the case of milk and sobbing “galactorrhea disease can also be caused by tumors, pituitary tumors, such as overflow of bloody fluid, breast pieces, should be alert to breast cancer, the above exceptions of galactorrhea, should be read in conjunction with the check to clear etiology and diagnosis.

[Dialectical type]
Qi deficiency loss of solid postpartum milk from the overflow, soft breasts, milk Qingxi, Shenpi the shortness of breath, tongue, thin tongue, weak pulse.
Qi and blood postpartum without milk, or milk drip A thin, soft breasts, pale (white) White, dizziness, fatigue, due by Notani to Xin. Moss thin, weak pulse.
Liver qi stagnation postpartum milk not less poor, hard breast swelling and pain, pain cited two flanks, chest tightness, upset. Thin yellow coating, pulse string.
. Liver-fire postpartum milk, amount and thick. Emotional depression, irritability, stretching, red eyes, dry mouth hi drink, urinate red constipation. Moss yellow, red tongue, pulse a few strings.

【Genotyping treatment]
1 qi deficiency loss of solid Governing Law: Qi photo milk.
Recipe: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Decoction.
The 3 grams Astragalus 15 grams Atractylodes 12 grams of dried tangerine peel 6 grams cohosh 5 grams Angelica 12 grams Zhigancao Rehmannia 10 grams the calcined Longmu each 30 gram less: galactorrhea more than those, plus the British real 12 g, 10 g Jinyingzi.
2 qi and blood Governing Law: the qi Yangxueshengru.
The Recipe: Tongru Danga Less.
Oats winter Codonopsis 9 grams Astragalus 12 grams Angelica 10 grams Chuanxiong 10 grams of wood pass 6 g balloonflower 6 grams Angelica 12 grams trotters subtraction: aversion to cold, plus antler pieces 12 g (fry).
3. Liver Qi stagnation Governing Law: liver qi stagnation Tongru.
Recipe: milk under the springs scattered subtraction.
Angelica 10 grams, 10 grams Chuanxiong red peony 10 grams bupleurum six grams Pollen 10 g 15 g Loulu through the grass Campanulaceae 10 grams 6 grams Angelica 12 grams the Sunburn Shanjia 12 grams Vaccaria the 12 grams Zhigancao 5 gram less: chest tightness threat swelling upset, add turmeric 10 grams, 10 grams of Citrus aurantium, 10 g shanzhiside.
4 liver-fire Governing Law: Liver Xiere grabbing milk.
Recipe: Longdan, addition and subtraction.
Gentian 10 grams 6 grams of Bupleurum 10 grams shanzhiside skullcap 10 grams of bamboo leaves 6 grams of licorice 3 grams melon wilt 12 grams (cut) red peony 10 grams of Akebia 6 Kdan ginseng 10 grams fried malt 15 gram Less: head bulging red eyes, plus chrysanthemum 6 grams, 6 grams of mulberry leaves; urinate red, Jiaze diarrhea, 10 g, sharp accumulator 10 g; the galactorrhea more than plus Gorgon 10 grams, 10 grams Jinyingzi calcined Longmu 30 g (fry); mouth sores sore throat, plus Coptis 3 grams, Scrophulariaceae 12 grams, 15 grams of Radix.

[Chinese patent medicines]
1 Buzhongyiqi pills three times, 6 grams each swallow. For qi deficiency loss of solid Queru disease.
2. Pill daily, Bazhen 3 times, 6 grams each swallow. Apply to blood Weakness Queru disease.
3. Longdanxiegan 2 times a day, every 6 to 9 grams, swallow. The apply to stagnation of Fire Queru disease.
Spearheading the daily 3 times, 6 g each swallow. For in the Queru disease of the liver Qi stagnation.

[Easy ways]
Millettia 30 grams, 15 grams Loranthaceae 10 jujube decoction of tea. For lack of blood Queru disease.

2. Antlers 3 to 5 grams of powder, rice wine blunt. Applicable yang Weakness Queru disease.

3 carp, 1, 2 shallots, soup.

4. Partial external treatment with hot water or onion soup Fumigation breast, or breast with orange peel Jianshui wet compress. May serve to clear the blood, promote milk secretion.

[Other therapies]
1. Postpartum milk no less than
The deficiency: Take Ze Yu liver, blocking Yu points (complement law).
Evidence: milk taken root within the customs tanzhong, on the door, and other points (reducing method).
2 milk from out
Deficiency: moxibustion Baihui, the smell of mutton, milk root.
Evidence: needle milk root on the door, Neiguan Sanyinjiao points (reducing method).

. Stomach for the day after tomorrow, the source of qi and blood, first to ensure that the stomach to prevent postpartum milk out abnormal, good digestion and absorption, postpartum diet should be light and nutritious. Have optimism, the spirit of joy, plenty of sleep.
2. Improve delivery techniques to shorten the production process, to prevent excessive blood loss in childbirth.
3 milk to reduce phase identification with mastitis Queru. Reduce milk secretion, accompanied by chills, fever, breast lump the local swelling heat pain, compared with early breast abscess need to detoxify, the Sanjie eliminate carbuncle.
4 found that the milk from the overflow, with the sight of blood liquid breast caking, should be alert to breast cancer, required for molybdenum and CT; galactorrhea occurs in pregnancy as “milk weep; galactorrhea associated with amenorrhea motherhood , hyperprolactinemia, may be due to a pituitary tumor, brain CT scan and serum prolactin (RIA) are subject to determination.