moxibustion moxibustion accident

One, moxibustion Precautions

Although the method of moxibustion Jane convenient, but in clinical application, yet to note the following points to ensure their safe and effective.

1 moxibustion ago according to the patient’s physical and disease, the appropriate choice of moxibustion of the law, and obtain the patient’s cooperation.

2, according to the condition before moxibustion, selecting the right points, so that patients fully exposed parts of moxibustion and take comfort, and can maintain a long position.

3 back, abdomen moxibustion, the number can be more strong: strong chest limbs moxibustion number should be less; head and neck less. The number of young adults may be more strong moxibustion, the time should be long; elderly, children moxibustion number should be less strong, the time should be short, not the mother’s abdomen and lumbosacral moxibustion.

4 facial, heart area, large blood vessels and tendons at the Ministry unavailable scarring moxibustion, moxibustion or carefully cut moxibustion points should be used with caution.

5 For coma, local perception or consciousness disappear in patients with slow, pay attention not moxibustion excess and avoid burns, causing adverse consequences. Especially for the elderly, pediatric patients and even more so.

6 Shi moxibustion, pay attention to prevent AIDS patients or burns off the fire burned patient clinic clothes and bedding and other items.

7 non-suppurative moxibustion, moxibustion excessive burning blisters, such as local, such as small blisters, available gentian violet syrup obliterated, and the patient is asked not to scratch, usually a few days to absorb the healing. If blisters too large, it is appropriate disinfection of needles and syringes, leads to blister fluid, external protective sterile dressings can also be recovered in a few days.

8 Where purulent purulent after moxibustion moxibustion after blistering or ulceration of the period, should avoid alcohol, fishy and pungent foods because these foods can help wet heat, phlegm to help the wind, can irritate skin reactions , so that the convergence or difficult to heal wounds.

9 moxa moxibustion moxa cone or after treatment, you must extinguish burning moxa, to prevent recrudescence accidents.

Second, moxibustion taboo

Moxibustion accommodates a wide range, but, and, like other acupoint stimulation therapy also has its taboos. Generally include the following aspects.

1 ban moxibustion literature there are many parts of the ancient ban moxibustion acupuncture points on the record, but the discrepancies between the various books, quite inconsistent. Such as “Acupuncture and B by” contains only the ban moxibustion points 24 points, “Acupuncture and Integration” is up to 49 as much. From the clinical practice, most of which did not ban moxibustion acupuncture necessary. And some important organs in the head and face or large blood vessels near the points, you should try to avoid or selecting the appropriate moxibustion moxibustion, especially should not use direct moxa cone moxibustion. In addition, pregnant women are also less belly ban moxibustion.

(2) Where contraindications Syndrome fever, vomiting a lot, stroke and liver yang headache embolism closed card, generally inappropriate to moxibustion, but not absolute.

(3) Other contraindications for fullness, fatigue, hunger, drunkenness, great thirst, shocked, big fear, furious who caution moxibustion. In addition, in recent years, also found that a small number of patients with allergic leaves, can be used in these patients, or other non-acupoint stimulation moxibustion therapy.

Third, moxibustion accident

Moxibustion is a safe and effective non-drug therapy, but also more secure than acupuncture. Jin and Tang period of once popular moxibustion, then some of the well-known physicians are highly respected moxibustion, moxibustion and some even suppression needle Yang. In fact, moxibustion such as improper application, also accidents. As early as this aspect of the Jin Dynasty had written: “deep liquid …… non-moxibustion, moxibustion Unfortunately, raw swollen eclipse, horse wounds, the collapse and die.” (“Acupuncture and B by Volume III”) which is due to the lack of disinfection ancient concepts and conditions, coupled with the lack of effective anti-inflammatory measures, prone to infections and lead to serious consequences. Halo moxibustion, the ancients are very common in clinical practice, so physicians Wuyi Ding Qing book “God moxibustion dispensation” already mentioned halo moxibustion treatment of the law: “or fire vertigo, God Qi also, is physical pressure with cold moxibustion at its dizzy from the Soviet Union, then stop a long time, associated with gruel or ginger to strengthen their God. ” Modern, moxibustion unexpected addition to the more common halo moxibustion, infection, there are allergies, poisoning.

(A) halo moxibustion

Halo moxibustion acupuncture is a rare adverse reaction. Mostly mild, but there are also more severe symptoms. Should attract attention. The clinical manifestations, prevention and treatment of the law broadly similar fainting.

Halo moxibustion on the mechanism, it has been confused it with shock. In fact, the halo halo moxibustion and acupuncture are the same as a vascular inhibitory syncope. It is due to the strong thorn moxibustion and other stimuli, through the vagus nerve reflex, causing vascular bed (? Especially surrounding muscles) expansion, decreased peripheral vascular resistance, thy blood less, and thus cardiac output reduced? Drop in blood pressure, leading to temporary , extensive cerebral blood flow reduction, and hair as syncope.

A Reason

About Halo moxibustion reasons, “Standard secluded Fu” who says: “cowardly fear hollow upright lateral and multi-halo.” The common persons are the following.

(A) the main physical reason for the one of the incentives. Physical weakness, mental too tight, hunger, fatigue, especially allergies, blood vessels and nerves function unstable person. Lot for no apparent reason halo moxibustion who can often be found from physical causes.

(2) to stimulate acupuncture points to stimulate the reasons too strong, can cause halo moxibustion. The so-called too strong, because each situation is different, it is difficult metric to compare. In the types of stimuli to moxibustion common.

(3) position because in general, being upright sitting or prone halo moxibustion moxibustion.

(4) environmental causes: environmental and climatic factors may also induce halo moxibustion, such as low air pressure of the hot season, the clinic in the air quality and noise Xuanza so on.

2 Clinical manifestations are generally divided into the following three.

Threatened period: various head discomfort, abdominal or general malaise, vertigo, tinnitus, palpitations, pale, cold sweats, yawning and so on. Some patients can without aura phase.

Attack: light dizziness, chest tightness. Nausea, vomit, cold limbs weak, wobbly, or with transient loss of consciousness. Severe cases, sudden loss of consciousness, faint flutter to the ground, a lip cyanosis, sweating, looking pale, his eyes on the turn, stool incontinence. A few may be associated with seizures.

Late: after timely treatment after recovery, the patient may have significant fatigue, paleness, lethargy and sweating. Mild is only mild discomfort.

Halo moxibustion acupuncture usually occurs in the process, but a few patients take several minutes or even longer after the needle symptoms began, called delayed halo moxibustion, should pay special attention.

3. Prevention early in the “Yellow Emperor”, has used to great lengths to prevent fainting mentioned: “no thorns drunk, so popular chaos; without thorns furious, so there is inverse gas; stingless big labor people, full stingless new people, unarmed people big hunger, thirst stingless big man, unarmed big shocking “(” Su asked ban on gill “). In fact, the same for Halo moxibustion. Modern mainly from the psychological and physiological prevention.

(A) psychological prevention have focused suspicion, fear who or acupuncture laughing and crying, screaming, shaking, dodge, muscle spasms. Accompanied by the pupil, blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, skin temperature, pale, sweating and other autonomic nervous system and endocrine function changer. Available for pre-psychological prevention in order to avoid fainting and other adverse reactions. Is divided into three methods:

Language induction: moxibustion before patiently explain to patients the specific methods of acupuncture, indicating the possible feeling of acupuncture, extent and pathways in order to obtain the patient’s trust and cooperation.

Relaxation Training: on a quiet, depression, attention apt to concentrate, introverted patients, making it an object gaze, until completely into self-meditation (meditation) state, founded on thorn moxibustion.

Divert attention: for impatience, hyperactivity, distractibility, outgoing patients, so that patients can make some simple quick mental arithmetic, or put to some minor problems, using its visual, auditory and mental activities, and to transfer its attention, and local organizations to promote relaxation.

(2) physiological hunger prevention in patients with moxibustion should be appropriately before eating; fatigue, should make it basic physical rest to recover. Especially for a history of fainting or dizzy moxibustion, the best take lateral position, simplify points, reducing the amount of stimulation.

In the course of moxibustion, moxibustion faint aura once a patient has symptoms should be addressed immediately. After moxibustion, it is best to ask the patient in the clinic until after 5 ~ 10min break to leave, to prevent delay halo moxibustion.

4 Treatment

(A) shall promptly stop mild halo moxibustion moxibustion, will help patients to air circulation. Raise the legs, head lowered (without pillow), lying still for a moment, you can. If the patient is still feeling unwell, give warm water or hot tea Beverage.

(2) severe dizzy after moxibustion moxibustion to stop lying, if the situation is urgent, you can make it directly Woyu floor. According to our many years of experience, such patients Baihui moxibustion has a good effect. Method is to use a commercially available drug moxa and ignited after the meeting for a hundred bird pecking moxibustion, not too close from the scalp, so as not to burn until the perceived recovery, the symptoms subside. If necessary, with artificial resuscitation, cardiac and acupuncture injection ditches, springs and so on.

5 case-example

Tan × ×, male, 14 years old, student, April 8, 1989 to consultation. Patients in the 1st diarrhea caused due to eating unclean, about 7-8 times a day, pus and blood diarrhea, tenesmus, anal burning, red tongue, yellow, slippery pulse. Given moxa moxibustion device for stationary smoked moxibustion off. Smoked moxibustion to 60min, the patient feel palpitation, dizziness, nausea Yu Tu, rapid pulse, pale, big sweating. Immediately stop moxibustion, acupuncture pair Neiguan, 5min after flustered reduced needle 20min, the symptoms disappear.

(Two) moxibustion allergy

In recent years, there have been reports in succession, the use of moxibustion, acupuncture point injection method, the body can induce varying degrees of allergic reactions occur. Although the prognosis is usually good, but sometimes there may be heavier syndromes, worthy of note. Recently, some mere cents acupuncture cause allergic reactions have been reported. The following highlights the cause of the allergy caused by moxibustion, clinical manifestations and preventive treatment of the law.

1 common causes are the following two kinds.

(A) physical causes an allergic reaction is mainly due to the patients themselves with allergies, many have asthma, urticaria, or history of multiple drugs, pollen allergies.

(2) generally refers to drugs cause sensitization moxibustion: probably because the leaves contain some allergens, someone who will moxa smoke oil lid off, spreads but had moxibustion cause acute urticaria in patients with medial forearm The results after 10 hours? been deposited at the uncomfortable itching and allergic skin rashes, proven to be caused by allergies.

(2) The clinical manifestations of allergic rash is the most common, as follows: limitations (points around the region) small red rash, or systemic wheal-like papules, often covered with fever, itching, weight may be associated with chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and even pale, sweating, pulse slightly.

Allergic reactions occur Time: acupoint injection often occurs in the immediate or near future, moxibustion shall be one to several hours, the longest reported in the literature up to 10 hours. There moxibustion cause allergies because, after moxibustion treatment can often be recurring.

3. Prevention

(1) asked about the history of acupuncture, should careful history, to understand whether allergies, especially allergic to any moxibustion. If the original point injection allergy, moxibustion therapy should be used with caution.

(2) careful scrutiny threatened moxibustion or acupuncture point injection process, such as an allergic reaction threatened, they should immediately stop moxibustion therapy or injections.

4 treatment methods are local or systemic allergic rash, usually within a few days after the cessation of moxibustion natural healing. During this period should be applied antihistamines, vitamin C and other drugs, drinking water. If and fever, itching, dry mouth,? Restlessness and other symptoms, can be properly applied corticosteroids, such as prednisone, daily for 20 to 30 milli g. Liangxue Xiaofeng prescription medicine is also effective. When expressed as pale, sweating, pulse slightly, in addition to intramuscular antihistamine drugs, intramuscular or intravenous epinephrine, if necessary, the injection of adrenal cortex hormones and other drugs.

5 case-example

Cases a Li × ×, female, 30 years old. March 18, 1975 visit. 8 months pregnant patients, in March 17 after a hospital obstetric examination of fetal breech presentation, ask the patient to go home every morning and evening to take a knee-chest position 20min. Late the next day, the patient-occupied commercial moxa, moxibustion to Yin Xue 20min, about an hour later, felt chest, limbs itching. The third morning, eyelids, lips and facial swelling and itching, back chest, waist and limbs occur wheal-like papules, itching. Diagnosed as acute urticaria, I take medicine three, deactivate moxibustion after all symptoms disappear. Night, she took moxa to self-Yin Xue, the recurrence of symptoms and worse than before, and with chest tightness, trouble breathing. Readme also swollen vulva,? Dysuria. Both live without allergies. I served six Chinese medicine, the symptoms disappear

Example Two Gong × ×, female, 28 years old, December 19, 1998 visit. Right Kouyanwaixie 1, 2010. Diagnosis: peripheral facial paralysis. (Western diagnosis: right peripheral facial paralysis, extracranial). Therapeutic: Expel wind and cold, phlegm meridians. Governing Law: 1. Go back bladder tank. 2 face common points shallow thorn needle 30min, day 1. 3 moxa moxibustion right Yifeng, earlobe before the bottom of each 20min, day 1. Operation: The patient supine, take the right Yifeng, earlobe before the bottom, Ai fire from the skin of about 3cm, local feel warm for the degree, each point of moxibustion 20min.

December 22, acupuncture has been the 2nd. Right auricle edema, particularly at night with the helix, reddish, non-pitting, no pain and itching. Consider Ai smoke allergies, stop moxibustion, I rule with the former, the next day auricle edema disappeared. December 28, remove the customs, to warehouse, zygomatic * s, each per hole moxibustion 20min, 2 times a day, Ai fire from the skin about 8 ~ 10 cm, bureau have felt slightly hot. January 4, 1999, on the right cheek edema, not red, not hot, and left no abnormalities, limb edema, check urine often are no exception. Well stop moxibustion, I rule with the former, no further edema and other abnormal reactions.

Patients on penicillin, fish food have allergies.

(Three) moxibustion poisoning

Moxibustion poisoning, common in medicine moxibustion moxibustion.

1 reason for the moxibustion bar mostly contains realgar, arsenic can be formed after ignited fumes enter the body through the respiratory tract, causing chronic or acute arsenic poisoning.

2 Clinical manifestations Usually ships moxibustion moxibustion during or after the emergence tearing, itchy throat, cough and other symptoms, consequential salivation, dizziness, headache, fatigue, palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath. Severe cases may have nausea, paroxysmal abdominal cramps, cold sweat, vomiting and diarrhea pay for embolism.

3 arsenic poisoning prevention issues should lead to patient staff attention, the application should do protection work, limiting the amount of (each no more than half-sticks), for pregnant women, allergic disabled; application for long-term doctor-patient medicine moxa Arsenic staff to do routine checks. In order to completely prevent arsenic poisoning, arsenic should be developed medicine moxibustion.

4 parked moxibustion treatment methods of treatment, symptoms are mild and generally I can use to send berberine bean soup. 500g to 200g green beans boiled soups, berberine 6, 3 times a day delivery service. Severe disease conditions should be sent to hospital for treatment.