Temperature needle –

Temperature needle is in the needle after needle acupuncture moxa tail twist wrap, lighted heated to a method of treating disease. Also known as moxibustion needle handle. In China Han medical books “Treatise on” the already mentioned this approach. Can be seen as a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion.
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Press the disease need to select the acupuncture points, acupuncture was gas, will remain at a certain depth of the needle, the needle shank fitted with large jujube moxa, must twist tightly to prevent shedding. Also desirable 1.5 to 2 cm long moxa, inserted in the needle handle, and then lit from the bottom, until the AI group burned so far. To prevent fire Ai shedding skin burns in a cardboard pad point area.

[Adaptation disease]
Warm needle method is mainly used joint pain, abdominal Leng Tong and other diseases, is also suitable for health care.

Where can the needle of the disease, such as seizures, convulsions, tremors, and mental patients or infants, are not to use the temperature needle. During treatment, the patient should not be asked any change position in order to prevent Ai fire burns the skin or burn off clothing, bedding and so on.

Fire needle –
Fire needle method, also known as hardening of ancient thorn, a special needle is red with fire after stinging certain parts of the treatment of the disease. This treatment method has been applied in our country Qin and Han dynasties.
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Fire needle needle needle body thick, modern multi-use stainless steel. Divided into two. A method for single acupuncture, is the 26th or the 27th needles, 2 to 3 inches in diameter from 0.5 to 1 mm. Its needle handle the use of bamboo or bone wrapped to avoid burning when hot. Another method for multi-pin shallow thorn needle body relatively thin and short, looks like a skin needle head with 3 to 9-pin, while a wooden handle.
First point selected according to the condition or location, with 2% iodine disinfection, and then 75% ethanol cotton deiodinase. There are two kinds of acupuncture methods.
(1) deep puncture: subject with a long needle to right hand needle, left fixed point, the needle in the alcohol lamp gradually from red-hot needle body to the tip, alignment points, quickly stab people, pause, then exit, and then rubbing with a sterile cotton ball pinhole. Acupuncture, it should be carefully and deliberately, action should be agile, a thorn that reaches the desired depth. Deep puncture depth of 0.3 to 0.5 inches (1 to 1.7 cm) between.
(2) shallow stab: Multi-fitted with wooden handle multi-pin needles, red-hot in the alcohol lamp gently Tapping skin surface. Mainly for the treatment of larger stubborn skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis and psoriasis.
Lesions smaller range, available with single needle prick.

[Adaptation disease]
Currently fire needle used more illnesses are: rheumatism, scrofula, like the degree of swelling, neurodermatitis, moles, warts and so on.

Use fire needle deep puncture must avoid blood vessels and internal organs, prevent the occurrence of adverse consequences. Shallow stab when Tapping the power can not be too fierce, do not suddenly overlook weight, shall be uniform, sparse, so carefully to avoid occurrence of exfoliation with needles and other accidents.

Skin needle –

Skin is a multi-needle shallow puncture needle acupoints or specific parts of the body to achieve the purpose of combating the disease acupuncture. Because of its slight stimulation, and confined to the surface of the body, suitable for pediatric patients, therefore also referred to as “pediatric needle.” Skin and other needle stitch different points, in addition to shallow thorn outside Tapping focus also focused on twelve warp and bark, not just points.
[Drug] appliance
Cutaneous needle design many, plum blossom needle, seven needles, needles and electric plum Rohan needles. The most practical clinical skin needles are commercially available, and its head, one side is composed of seven needles scattered seven needles, one side is five needles together the plum blossom needle, long needle with a flexible handle.
Right hand needle handle, with the ring finger and little finger fixed on the end of the needle shank hypothenar palm, thumb and ring finger pinching needle shank 1/3, the index finger above the pressure in the needle handle. So you can fully rely on the wrist action. Tapping, require needle prick and the skin surface immediately pops up. Tapping 100 beats per minute or so.
Tapping the intensity of light, medium and heavy three kinds, according to the different physical, location or condition to select.
(1) Light stimulation: Tapping with lighter wrist so that only a slight skin flushing. For children or the elderly and infirm, the head and face and deficiency syndrome or longer course of chronic diseases.
(2) the stimulation: the wrist with a slightly heavier Tapping, so that local skin flushing, but not bleeding. Suitable for treating common diseases.
(A) re-stimulation: wrist weight, forcing needles, slightly slower pace for Tapping, local skin flushing with traces of obvious bleeding. Those used for sturdy physique, localized tenderness and back, shoulders, buttocks and other parts of the muscle lucrative.
According to stimulus intensity and disease, cutaneous needle therapy daily or every other day, 10 to 20 times as a course of treatment.
Tapping skin needle position classification in many ways, is easy for beginners to master sake, we select only introduce three categories, namely overall Tapping site, local site and acupoints Tapping Tapping area.
Tapping parts which acupoints, acupuncture and other stimulation, like acupuncture at points selected according to the disease within a mere Tapping can be. The other two parts as follows:
(1) Overall Tapping parts: Tapping on the back sides of the spine, generally divided into three vertical lines: The first line spacing of about 1 cm spine, second spine spacing of about 2 cm, and the third row spacing spine 3 to 4 cm. Most illnesses are Tapping these parts.
(2) Tapping local parts: including disease site, tenderness, paresthesia areas and positive reaction (found by touch subcutaneous nodules, cords) and so on.
Tapping specifically, the above three types of optional parts can be integrated, such as the stomach, you can knock on the basis of playing both sides of the spine, and then selection of points and are looking for differentiation into positive tender points or reactants Tapping.

[Adaptation disease]
Cutaneous needle currently used mainly for headaches, hypertension, myopia, neurasthenia, gastrointestinal diseases and localized skin diseases such as neurodermatitis.

Skin needle treatment, needle should always remain intact, if the hook tip hair, rust, etc. must be promptly repair or replacement. Needles often soaked in 75% ethanol or other disinfectant inside. Conditional, should use disposable sterile needles and syringes. Tapping the site should also be strictly disinfected. Local skin wounds or ulcers, should not use this law.