Cerebellum and medulla oblongata damage

Cerebellum and medulla oblongata injuries , mostly direct needle puncture caused by brain tissue or blood vessels . Consequences are also quite serious, often due to save her death. “Su asked ban on gill ” says: ” thorn in the brain households , into the brain death legislation .” Which is equivalent to such damage. Although the cerebellum and medulla oblongata injury, the clinical manifestations vary, but the cause of the causes and the consequences were similar , so the narrative together .

[ Injury ]

An acupoint reasons: most likely to cause damage to the cerebellum and medulla oblongata of the points are: dumb door , wind House , the wind pool .
Yamen deep as a contiguous portion of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord , according to reports : 5% 681 Injection ( ie alkaline brine injection ) or 100% angelica liquid at Yamen point injection thousands of people, there are seven cases too deep because the injection site , are two inches above the same body , the occurrence of adverse reactions, including six cases of cerebral palsy , headache one case . The reaction time occurs , mostly in between 0.5h ~ 1h , 3h after the individual . The clinical manifestations of conscious, lethargy , pale, soft or resistant neck , arms limp , can not stand ; Some acupuncture after the sudden fall, cold extremities ; some spinal pain to radiate up and down , or tremor , the majority of abdominal reflex disappears , knee reflex, the presence or Kang Beng , nausea, vomiting, headache , severe cases can not eat . Temperature around 38 ℃ , pulse, breathing slightly faster heart rate Qi ; 1 patient had blood pressure to rise 24/16kPa (180/120mmHg) ( for 1 days to resume normal ) ; 1 case of urinary incontinence, two cases of urinary retention. Usually after about 1 day medication that has not been restored, severe with antibiotics to prevent infection , and the use of sedatives , antiemetic drugs, transfusion and nutritional supplements. One case three days cured, one case nine days cured , urinary retention, urinary incontinence in 1 to 2 days of recovery [ 1 ] .
Wind House, the ancients had that ” this hole into the needle , one that collapsed ” ( ” Que heart book in volume” ) , its deep as the cerebellum, medulla pools and medulla oblongata .
Wind pool deep into the cranial cavity to the medullary vertebral artery adjacent thereto . Acupuncture properly, can easily hurt . If a 16 -year-old male patient with headache, dizziness , insomnia treatment, local hospital doctor in performing acupuncture , acupuncture at various points the wind pool . After the needle is headache patients intensifies, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms appear unconsciousness , respiratory arrest after about 3h . Emergency consultation after suspected posterior fossa hematoma , the line immediately posterior fossa craniotomy surgery see the right side of bean size medullary blood clots oppression, verdict, surgical removal of a blood clot in decompression, but failed to restore breathing after , blood pressure continues to drop , the end result died a death [ 2 ] .
Second, the reason for the action
( A ) , acupuncture too deep : dumb door Fengfu , difficult to get gas shallow thorn , thorn too deep , prone to danger. By autopsy and in vivo measurements show that this two points , where the depth of one inch needle size within the same body , generally will not damage the hub ; potentially dangerous depth of 1.5 inches with body , dangerous phase in two with a depth of about body size . If a female patient receiving acupuncture treatment clinic in the factory . Because needle into dumb door , wind House Zhu hole too deep , the patient suddenly from head tilting was tonic convulsions while sitting upright , with the attendant loss of consciousness , difficulty breathing , 20min later sent to hospital emergency room . Examination in the emergency room : breathing and heartbeat have stopped . Then artificial respiration , endotracheal intubation , external cardiac compression, rescue 2h died. Death lumbar puncture : bloody cerebrospinal fluid containing red blood cells 200,000 / mm3 [3].
( Two ) , in the wrong direction : If the piercing ( needle pointing upward slightly piercing ) Fengfu , from the edge of the foramen magnum into the cranial cavity ; dumb door , back midline ( spine ) piercing , but also from the first , between two cervical vertebrae , piercing the spinal canal . Acupuncture use of such direction , may hurt the medulla oblongata or cerebellum . If the outer corner to the opposite direction of the needle Fengfu . Also likely to enter the foramen magnum , damage brain tissue.
( Three ) , way too heavy : The above points, in the case of acupuncture too deep , in order to seek a better sense of qi , a substantial lift and thrust twisting can cause or aggravate injuries .
( Four ) , acupoint injection improper : including hypodermic needles are too thick, too deep acupuncture and drug concentration is too large, too strong irritant to improper pH .

Clinical manifestations

Cerebellar damage : at the needle during or shortly after the needle to go , there occipital pain , severe dizziness, dysarthria , vomiting , ataxia , neck stiffness , ataxia , and into a coma .
Medullary injury: injury severity according to different manifestations of rapid shallow breathing, headache , irregular , blood pressure , pulse frequency, limb paralysis , muscle tone, muscle hyperreflexia , light reflex, or slurred speech , difficulty swallowing , and access to deep coma , often due to breathing, heartbeat has stopped and death. Lumbar puncture is not high pressure multi- CSF can be bloody .

[ Prevention ]

A strict control needle depth and direction in recent years , the government of the wind , the wind pool , three points Yamen studies have shown that wind government points to the tip pointing mouth safest ( M up to 45.43mm, female was 44.46mm), Second, to point to the tip of the nose ( male can stab to 42.22mm, women can stab to 40.90mm); Yamen to stabbing earlobe safest ( male to stab 46.34mm, women can stab to 45.13mm), followed by the needle to mouth or nose ( male can stab to 44.92mm and 42.42mm, 43.33mm and female respectively 40.99mm); Fengchi needle to the contralateral eye , the needle 25 ~ 50mm, around the nose or through the thorn 50 ~ 75mm, were into the skull without the danger . ( Refer to the depth of the depth of the average adult )
Should also be noted that individual differences , such as wind and Yamen government , men and women in the piercing depth have significant differences (P <0.05), that is, men may be more likely than women stabbed slightly deeper . Second, carefully understand the depth of feeling is for reference only above average depth , in the specific process of acupuncture , there should be close and personal feel. Deep puncture wind House and Yamen , there are basically two resistance flu , first resistance flu is nuchal ligament , followed by an empty feeling down . The second sense in dura resistance , thus, should not be too deep . Otherwise , that is, through the dura mater into the foramen magnum , can damage the central nervous tissue . Fengchi in safe depth , as long as the direction of the standard , no more obvious sense of resistance , where there is resistance , slightly exit , slightly change the direction of piercing . Third, caution the needle technique should not be too heavy, especially not revert substantially re-inserted ; uncooperative patient treatment ( such as pediatric patients or psychiatric patients ) , but also should be noted that operation and observation. Four general points in the neck, after less to do or refrain injection, the lack of experience in this area should be especially careful . If necessary, should be strictly selected injection drug use, needle too deep , do not blindly pursue to get gas . [ Processing Method] Cerebellum or medulla injury due to acupuncture without delay should immediately switch departments rescue. As long as the treatment time, measure accurately , some cases, can still receive good results. Treatment process includes : An artificial hibernation therapeutic hypothermia to reduce brain metabolism, improve brain tissue hypoxia tolerance ; Second, keep the airway open , ensuring brain tissue oxygen supply ; Third, the application of a dehydrating agent and hormones to control cerebral edema ; Fourth, antispasmodic agents to relieve muscle tension ; Five , with a mixture of energy , and promote brain function recovery.