Needle acupuncture and moxibustion law taboo taboo

Needle method is the most commonly used acupuncture , acupuncture to prevent accidents , you must pay attention to the following aspects :

First, selecting the right needle

( A ) , given specifications : the thickness of the needle length . Needle specifications, its length is divided into : 13mm (0.5 inches ), 25mm (1 inch ), 40mm (1.5 inch ), 50mm (2 inches ), 75mm (3 inch ), 100mm (4 inch ) six kinds ; thickness divided 0.45mm (号26), 0.40mm (号28), 0.35mm (号29), 0.30mm (号30) 0.25mm ( No. 32), 0.22mm (34 numbers ), 0.20mm (36 No. ) 7 kinds . Must be based on the patient’s disease conditions , physical and selected point area , select the appropriate needle . If diagnosed , patients, pediatric , physical weakness and fear needles were advised to choose a short needle needle ; needle chest and back pockets select a short needle , the needle eye with a needle hole ( No. 30 to 32 general requirements ) . Also be sure to take according to the depth of the selected point safety needles to prevent inadvertent needle than to find a sense of safety depth .

( Two ) , check the quality : the quality before acupuncture needle should be carefully tested , including the four-part needle , needle body, needle roots, needle handle .

A tip , requiring a round without blunt , not too sharp , like pine needles to better . Must be inspected prior to use if there is curly or curved tip of the hook , is: to sterilize needles cotton wrapped around the body , the needle side turn side exit , such as sleep or have a sense of stagnation and exit needle with cotton , wool needle that indicates hooks, should be abandoned .

2 , the needle body to straighten , smooth, lubrication is preferred but flexible , pay attention to whether the needle before use body bent , creased, rust, flaking and so on. Generally, bending obvious who fixes flat after use , there are other circumstances should be abandoned.

3, the pin root , root pointer needle body and needle handle connections. Clinical Practice found that needle breakage accident occurred in the roots , so check carefully whether the roots are loose needles , or erosion occurs is very important , if such a case should be abandoned.

4, the needle handle refers wire winding parts, such as loosening acupuncture can cause accidents, especially when warm acupuncture , moxa fire off easily cause burns . Available right to perform needle handle , needle body Jinnie left thumb and index finger , drawing a parallel shake to check the needle handle is loose.

Second, the emphasis on sterilization

Mentioned here mainly refers needle disinfection sterilization .

Despite the lack of ancient physicians today disinfection concept, but in the long-term clinical practice has been recognized on the needles necessary treatment to remove the ” poison ” to reduce infection. Such as ” acupuncture Dacheng • Volume IV ” has a detailed description: ” first wire Lianhong …… times to the Toad coated needle into the fire is still slightly refining , can not make red , take effect from the fire, according to James Crisp before refining three times, to the third , by hot bacon insert the skin , the meat, but the drug after ( fourteen of musk smell ) water bowls Jianfei , times into the meat of the needle , and cook until the water dry , pour in water and leave to cool, remove the needle . inserted over a hundred in the loess , the color bright side is good, to a goal of poison . ”

Modern acupuncture disinfection , along with the introduction of Western medicine was gradually get attention and development , as early as 30 or 40 years , there are a small number of acupuncture began to use alcohol to disinfect home . To the fifties , and gradually made more complete disinfection of acupuncture : Acupuncture doctor first before washing hands with medicated soap to wash hands and brush , needle cooked in boiling water or in 75% of the concentration of alcohol immersion disinfection in acupuncture grazed area with alcohol swab , acupuncture bleeding with sterile cotton ball pressed and so on. Currently, the method of sterilization has been popular acupuncture clinically . In order to find an effective and simple disinfection measures , some units for widespread clinical application of 75% alcohol disinfection and sterilization 2% benzalkonium bromide solution of two methods of clinical studies , the results prove that alcohol swab to wipe disinfection is a simple yet a better way to reduce the effect of bacteria , and benzalkonium bromide solution is not ideal.

Acupuncture disinfection should include needles, acupuncture needles and healer was finger . Without good disinfection before acupuncture needles or improper skin preparation can be brought infection include serum hepatitis. Among them, the most critical needle , carrying a large number of bacteria and viruses, strict disinfection , can be implanted in the body .

To prevent infection, needle disinfection should note the following .

( A ) , sterilized needles and syringes with needles and syringes should be disinfected after temporarily unused needles should also be regularly autoclaved summer three days , one week in winter , there is absolutely no pressure sterilization of needles . Autoclaving : Average should be autoclaved . The specific method is : the needles, body acupuncture or auricular acupuncture needles buried with other appliances using a special metal box containing sterilized after pot on high-pressure steam , steam at 15 pounds pressure , high temperature under 120 ℃ , keeping more than 15min . Each sterile needles , shall be disinfected once again .

Sterilized by boiling : conditions are not met in the case , the needle can be placed in water pot, boil and cook for 15min or more. This can generally be added to the sodium bicarbonate in water to make a 2% solution , the boiling point can be increased to 120 ℃, boiling water and to reduce the corrosive effect of the needles . Also this method can also be sterilized jars with .

Alcohol disinfection: in emergency situations , the use of 75% ethanol for 20 ~ 30min. In addition, some should not use high-pressure or sterilize needles such as skin needles, alcohol can also be soaked in disinfectant .

In recent years, overseas and domestic use in many areas has been promoting the use of ethylene oxide from the plant sterile disposable acupuncture needles . Acupoint injection needles must use disposable needles .

(B ) , the surgeon ‘s finger nails sterilized surgeon should be trimmed every day , wash carefully with soap before surgery , wipe disinfected with alcohol swab , wipe the method should not be used benzalkonium bromide solution . First with his left hand grip tweezers alcohol swab , wipe from the fingertips down to the roots , for a cotton ball and then followed this method to disinfect the rest. After the alcohol evaporates , right hand holding alcohol swab on the left finger. Laden with clean tweezers, needle handle to take the needle , and the needle with a sterile cotton wrapped around the body , charge hand ( left hand ) index finger or middle finger a little weight on the next point , two inches below the needle prick method to push that right thumb , index finger held needle handle , finger pressure in the contralateral finger in custody and are wrapped in cotton pulp against the needle body under section right hand thumb and finger food forced down the needle into the proper depth . 2-inch cut above the needle prick method, that the left hand, thumb and forefinger pressed against the sides and slightly Bengjin points , the lower right hand needle wrapped in cotton , revealing tit 2 to 3 minutes , piercing the proper alignment points depth , and then request line needle , a needle.

After the ( three ) , skin disinfection disinfection application point hemostat hostage alcohol swab prohibited from holding a cotton ball with rubbing to the next , because not only reach the purpose of disinfection , the spread of the bacteria causing the contrary , until the alcohol dry then start the needle . Each point, with an alcohol swab , cotton can not be too dry or too wet , nor tear reuse. Not to a swab several points. Some people advocate general of alcohol swab 1.5cm in diameter, up to three points in three surface disinfection . When disinfection, pay attention to the cotton ball to wipe from the inside out cruising . After disinfection , should wait until the alcohol evaporates before applying needles. After taking the needle used an alcohol swab or high temperatures of more dry sterile dry cotton pressing the pinhole . In the joints , eyes , ear and have hair of the Department, as well as acupuncture point injection for disinfection should be strictly . First with 2% iodine topical skin rubbed point area , and then 75% alcohol iodine , iodine that cotton ball with alcohol wipe from the inside out .

Third, pay attention to the operation

( A ) , in the neck, chest must understand the anatomy of the back , the master of acupuncture direction , avoid scarification , deep stab .

(B ) , in the vicinity of nerves and nerve superficial dry place ( such as customs, Yanglingquan , Du points ) , acupuncture manipulation should be gentle , do not Jiangnian fierce pounding in a discharge and a strong sense of feeling when the needle gently withdraw the needle or should change direction , not further strong tactics to prevent damage nerves and spinal cord. I have seen a woman in the ” Cultural Revolution” in operation by doctors in the ” Ojo ” fertilizing surgery , there also continues to post strong sense of discharge practices, resulting in the right limb Spasm and maimed for life .

( Three ) , the frail and weak or no acupuncture needles feeling , could designate the gas needle , the needle too long to find a sense of direction and more , to prevent damage nerves and blood vessels .

(D ) the surgeon to be clear on the meridian , so that when an exception occurs in a timely manner needle ( if caused by the needle off the dark storm coverage ) , to prevent bad effects caused irreversible damage aggravated .

Fourth, to avoid stagnation needle , curved needle and left needle

Needle is a pointer after piercing , twisting when lifting and thrusting , feel stagnation and heavy, difficult to pin back occurs . Curved needle , is a pointer into the cave area, occurred needle bending phenomenon. Left needle acupuncture treatment after the conclusion of the one or more needles are still left in the body of the patient . Patients then curved needle after needle Department ; cause lag when the needle and the needle overexert reason , twisting lift and thrust in one direction or magnitude of uneven twisting , winding needle body to make the muscle fibers , or mental stress caused by muscle spasms and other relevant sudden change in position, or the needle handle collision caused by foreign objects . The reason left needle , multi- doctor clinic due to negligence on the occasion of the busy traffic , failed to double-check the needle point area , or because of a doctor by another doctor needle and take the needle caused , leaving the site of the needle occurred in physical shelter , such as head of hair are covered, such as the popliteal fossa . These three cases are common in clinical acupuncture .

( A ) the prevention of the law : Needle , the needle can not be too much force , the rapid Popi, send the needle slowly to get gas . When twisting the needle technique not twisting in the same direction . For nervous patients , can be added after the first pressing point area , and then into the needle. Curved needle , the needle should instruct the patient prior to maintain a comfortable position , instruct the needle can not arbitrarily change its position . Avoid foreign object impact needle handle . Left needle , the best way is to record the number of needles piercing needle before , the number of needle after needle inventory taken . As difficult to do , take the needle should be carefully examined , especially the hidden parts of the hair Department.

(B ) to deal with the law: after Needle , tension caused by the patient , the needle may be appropriate to extend the time ; or beside the needle point area acupressure , acupuncture can also be next . Can be due to the magnitude or direction of twisting about improper light twist , or reverse twisting back needle. Appear curved needle , curved needle smaller body can slowly bending angle along its exit ; bending larger , patient is asked to try to relax the muscles and gently shake the needle along the bending direction to exit ; such as bending parts of more than one Department , according to the direction of the needle shank twist tilt , and gradually withdraw from segmented according to the law . Note that regardless of the circumstances described above , are non relentless pull whip , in order to avoid an accident off the needle . Left needle , the needle is removed to general attention point area disinfection ; If there Needle or curved needle , according to the method.