Ancient forbidden taboo acupuncture needle moxibustion points ban

Acupoints, known as points, pockets or acupuncture points , are organs , blood transfusion specific parts of the surface where the meridian is acupuncture . According to national standards of the PRC National Bureau of Technical Supervision June 7, 1990 release of ” Meridian area ” provides a total of fourteen by the Meridian 361 , a total of 48 points by outside , outside Meridian and after a total of 409 points . At 409 points , there are accident prone when part of acupuncture points , such points are mainly distributed in the head and face , neck, chest and abdomen and the back waist , a few in the four limbs . It should be noted , some prone to accidents outside the cave , not yet included in the 409 points of .

Prone to accidents acupuncture points , ancient ban moxibustion acupuncture point called the ban , said the modern no uniform method, called “accidental points ” or ” accident-prone points ,” also known as “dangerous point .” But there are some differences between the understanding of these points both ancient and modern .

Ancient ban ban moxibustion needle point

Acupuncture therapy is a kind of trauma on the human body has certain non- drug therapy, the ancient science generally low level of risk of a very big country . Doctors at the time in the long-term clinical practice, the inevitable will happen sorts of acupuncture accidents, and documented a lot about the lessons , which documented ban ban moxibustion acupuncture point is an important aspect. Ban ban moxibustion needle hole first appeared in “Nei Jing “, but “via” is generally not clearly prohibited or forbidden needle moxibustion , but stressed such as acupuncture or moxibustion improper accidents can occur , such as the “Q • assassination ban on the article ” : ” trapped in the assassination of Ying in the lungs, to breathe inverse Yang interest .” Ying points for the alias in the House , meaning the needle hole too deep in the house can lead to pneumothorax , shortness of breath and even suffocation . To “Acupuncture and B by” Late ban ban needle moxibustion said that if God Que “no non- thorn” , people greet “no non- moxibustion ,” Shimen ” Women can not ban thorn moxibustion ,” and so on. After that, ban ban moxibustion acupuncture needle , from the Tang Dynasty “Taiwan Miyao ” to Song ” bronze acupoints acupuncture figure ,” added the Ming Dynasty “category by Figure wing” in varying degrees . The Ming Yang Jizhou of ” acupuncture Dacheng ,” a book setting out the ban on needle songs, each song a ban moxibustion , basically summed up the experience of ancient taboos about acupuncture and understanding. Acupuncture works of the Qing Dynasty , said multi- lineage predecessors .

An ancient forbidden by the record needle moxibustion point of ban

Our first ancient acupuncture needles ban ban moxibustion clearly point to ” Acupuncture and B by ” in the ” taboo • Acupuncture Acupuncture and B by the first ( lower ) ” , and contained a total ban on needle point 13 points, respectively: Shenting on off, cranial interest , people met , cloud Gate , umbilical , V rabbit , Sanyang network, double slide , bearing tendons , then the valley , milk , dove tail. Among them, the skull -bearing , double slide , then the valley three points , is a relative contraindication , calling for ” no barbed see more blood” ; I point you are absolutely taboo: “no non- thorn .” In addition, there are entries in each Meridian supplemented , as Shimen ” Women can not assassination moxibustion ,” hand Wuli “no non- thorn” , Quepen ” It is against the thorn deep interest ” and so on . Another set ban moxibustion points 24 points, respectively: the first dimension , bearing light , brain households, the wind pool, dumb door , Shimonoseki , Germain , who welcome , wind and air , bearing weep ridge , the white ring Yu, milk , Shimen , , air impact , deep liquid through drains , dovetail , overcast City ( knee ) Yang Guan , Tianfu , V rabbit , will be five , Chi pulse . Among them, Germain , ” ear pus , the area can not moxibustion ” ; Shimonoseki , ” Rolling ears dry suit , can not ban moxibustion ” ; Shimen , ” Women can not ban moxibustion “, is a relative contraindication . I point are “forbidden non- moxibustion .” However , the book contained under each Meridian items , slightly different , as Germain , Chi pulse two points , can moxibustion three strong ; while five locations , Xinyu, Su Liao points out three forbidden points.

Ming Dynasty, ” Acupuncture Dacheng • Volume IV ” cut pin point the song describes an absolute ban on needle point contained 22 : Brain households, Cong ( fontanelle ) will , God court, jade pillow , network but , Cheng Ling , cranial interest bearing weep , Shinto, Ling-tai , the smell of mutton , water , Shenque , perineum, cross bones, air impact , Kei doors, hand Wuli , Sanyang network, blue ling .

Some other points are conditional taboos and parts taboo: ” Pregnant women should not pin gu , Sanyinjiao also pass on the inside ; Shimen acupuncture should be required to avoid , not a pregnant woman for life outside the Cloud Gate and dovetail , Quepen dark halo host and guest students ; . when the shoulder depth also collapsed , emergency fill three Azeri also stabbed in the internal organs gall level are dead , cast out of the nether blood red sun , Seaspray Quanliao nipple between spinal marrow slouch in shape ; hand trapped inside the fish stocks in the shade , after knee patella tendon will renal ; each three inches , Mukuang axillary shares under the joint assessment of all trades . ”

Qing Dynasty ” Acupuncture Fengyuan ,” a book that absolutely forbidden needle hole added : Sun angle , rapid pulse , will cases , milk , Dubi five points. Such an absolute ban on needle points to 26 points.

Another song contains a ban moxibustion points , moxibustion ban introduced as many as 45 points , respectively: dumb door , wind House, Tianzhu , bearing light , Lintong , the first dimension , wind and empty , save the bamboo , eyes clear , plain liao , Wo liao , Ying Hong, Quanliao , Shimonoseki , people met , Tianyou , Tianfu , Zhou Rong , deep liquid , milk , dove tail, belly sorrow , shoulder Chen , Yang Chi , in red , small business , thenar , after drainage , will be five , Yang Guan , ridges , hidden white , drain the valley , yin Ling Quan, of the mouth, nose calf , overcast city , V rabbit , thigh clearance , Shen pulse , Venezuela , yin door , Cheng Fu , white ring Yu , Xinyu .

To the Qing Dynasty , ” Acupuncture Fengyuan ” contains brain households Germain . Ban moxibustion hole total of 47 points.

Second, the analysis of ancient ban ban needle moxibustion acupoint

The statistics, the ancients summed ban ban moxibustion acupuncture points , a total of 70 points can be broadly divided into three categories :

( A ) , a simple ban needles : These can be divided into two categories. A class is an absolute contraindication , mainly 24 ( otherwise the milk and brain household as acupuncture points are contraindicated ) , and certain parts of the body of points: If the ridges ( located on Du ) , Yin shares the knee patella Department some points of kidney ; axillary shares under various silver and Mukuang , area and other points around the joints . The remaining eight points, is conditional that a relative contraindication , such as gu , Sanyinjiao is for pregnant women , Shimen against woman , Cloud Gate , Quepen , shoulder well in acupuncture had an accident -prone situation under deep , red Yang is improper acupuncture easily cause bleeding.

Ban needle entry point to the head , abdomen and upper limb based. It also includes a small chest and back and leg pockets . The reason why the ancients as a ban on needle point , probably the following reasons : First, some of the above points in vital organs or blood vessels, improper acupuncture accident prone , head and face and chest , as some of the points , which is must pay attention to the clinical setting ; followed by the production of rough ancient needles in acupuncture process, especially the blood vessels can lead to organ damage , such as the red sun , bearing weep and other points of taboos may be relevant ; addition, the lack of disinfection ancient also important causes of concepts and methods , resulting in infection acupuncture as taboo , such as Shenque taboo that with this.

Ban handed down from ancient acupuncture points or parts , either absolute or relative contraindications from existing clinical practice, there is no absolute contraindication points. Can be divided into three cases : one is a relative contraindication , which is prone to accidents acupuncture points , now called the danger point, as some point bearing weep , shoulders well , Quepen abdomen and chest and back , these points Here are larger or more important blood vessels , nerve trunk or major organs. Improper needle depth or direction may cause varying degrees of damage ; some joints , acupoint injection into the joint cavity can cause irritation and other adverse reactions. Secondly, whether it is a relative contraindication to yet further evidence , such as: gu with Sanyinjiao role of oxytocin have been some preliminary evidence , the two women’s menstrual acupuncture points can cause vaginal bleeding , there are small amounts of data ; But whether pregnant women to promote their abortion side effects have not been reported ; Third, there is no taboo , such maximum . Especially Shenque , ” Acupuncture and B by ” explicitly pointed out : . ” Ban can not stab , stab the cause ulcers ulcer vector of evil who died died ” Modern large number of clinical practice shows that , as long as strict disinfection , can acupuncture, there is no taboo. Another example Shimen points, as the ancients said on whether the woman has never pregnant effect, modern people have observed its contraceptive effect , and failed to be confirmed , so there can be no taboos.

( Two ) , a simple ban moxibustion class ; simply ban moxibustion points contained in the ancient medical books of 45 points ( otherwise the milk and brain household as acupuncture points are contraindicated ) . Can be divided into the following categories. Deep hole of a class that has an important organ area , there may be unexpected after moxibustion. Wind House, dumb door hole as deep medulla and spinal cord ; people met , the Commission has an important medium- deep blood vessels ; Tianfu , Zhou Rong , deep fluid, dove tail, belly deep sorrow and other important organs. Since ancient times to direct moxibustion , acupuncture , although not as direct damage and organ , but may also occur unexpectedly . Of course, whether these points are not the same as described in the ancient taboo , wind House Point , ” Acupuncture and B by “, said: “no non- moxibustion, moxibustion dumb people .” But ” Prescriptions” to the point moxibustion treatment horse epilepsy and other diseases, Li Dongyuan this point also moxibustion treatment entry gangrene . One for facial acupuncture points , such as ; Sizhu empty , save bamboo , eyes clear , plain Liao , Liao Wo , Ying Hong, Quanliao , Shimonoseki , etc., as noted above , the ancient directly produce scarring moxibustion moxibustion as the primary way , susceptible to damage delicate facial skin , prone to scarring and because the impact of beauty , probably the main reason ban moxibustion ; palm side of the third class of the hand or foot acupoints located , such as the red , small business , hidden white , kind of points the ban moxibustion, moxibustion may be more painful and could easily lead to injury, and likely to cause abnormal activities and other relevant organs , such as small business, hidden white three points can make a pregnant woman belly flab , fetal active. It is worth mentioning that such a ban moxibustion acupuncture ancient records are not consistent , as a small business point, first appeared in “Taiwan Miyao ” in the ” Acupuncture and B by ” and set out to be ” a strong moxibustion .” Some other points may be related to many factors .

With the development of moxibustion techniques , especially the widespread use of moxa moxibustion can improve the area better control heat and temperature, and the increasing limitations and methods used scarring moxibustion , moxibustion damage caused basically can avoid , has absolute ban moxibustion point does not exist , except for relatively ban moxibustion taboo in some parts of the face and direct moxibustion , the general moxibustion has also been meaningless .

( Three ) , acupuncture were forbidden categories: body acupuncture were a total of three points is forbidden . An occasion for the fish hole , the hole in the needle ban formulation , first appeared in the “Q • thorn ban “: ” sting belly of the fish , retraction is swollen ” ; ban moxibustion , is found in ” Introduction to Medicine ” book. Investigate the reasons for its taboo nothing more than the several modern This point has already lifted . Another point for the milk in the hole , but on this point there thorn moxibustion described in some ancient books . Such as: Jin Dynasty ” elbow Emergencies ” contains : Death epilepsy treatment ” may moxibustion three strong” ; Another example : ” bronze acupuncture acupoints map” that: ” differentiable thorn -thirds .” Nor indicate an absolute contraindication . But modern thorn moxibustion has been no reported only as a symbol of a given point . Three brain households, the ban on needle point , the earliest record found ” Acupuncture and B by ” rather ban moxibustion say , then it appears to the Qing Dynasty . Brain households, as Du hole, hole near the foramen magnum , is probably one of the reasons the ancients in acupuncture have occurred during the accident , the hole has been released modern taboo .