The common cold

The common cold is a virus -induced respiratory infections. The clinical manifestations of more acute onset , local symptoms are sneezing , nasal congestion , runny nose, dry itchy throat ache , hoarseness or cough, mild systemic symptoms , adults may have a fever or fever .
Acupuncture treatment of common colds modern literature first appeared in 1954 . [ 1 ] After that, the common symptoms of this report is not a lot . But since the 1980s , not only to stimulate acupuncture points of the law is increasingly diverse, such as injection, moxibustion , acupressure , cupping , etc., have a certain effect. And the number of observations have also been expanded, with the use of acupuncture prick method for large-scale sample of 1000 cases observed , more effective.
In addition to treatment, the role of acupuncture also prevent colds , early adopters of Vidin plastic acupoint injection of calcium or placental tissue fluid and other laws . Currently it is more convenient method of claim moxibustion method.


Moxibustion ( one : moxa moxibustion )
( A ) acupoints
The main point: Ojo , throttle, Feishu .
(B ) Prevention Act
Take 1 to 2 points each , alternately, to make bird pecking moxibustion moxa roll by 2.5 cm away from the skin and at the close, to feel for the degree of burning , this is a strong, strong of moxibustion 10 . Weekly .
( C) Evaluation
Clinical criteria: in order to prevent the use of moxibustion 1-8 after one year follow-up statistics , less than two times a year for colds excellent, less than 5 times as good , more than six times as invalid.
Were observed in 63 cases , the results : excellent in 31 cases, good in 22 cases , ineffective in 10 cases . Moxibustion more times , the effect is more significant , after eight preventable efficiency up to 95.2% of patients [ 1 ] .
Pick governance
( A ) acupoints
The main point: the sun, the wind pool , wind House, Qu pool, hand three years , eight evil , calf nose , full three years, eight wind.
Points : headache even add Baihui ; chest Yu Tu plus customs, days of the conflict ; cough nasal congestion , runny nose , or even to add missing, Ying Xiang ; fever even add twelve wells.
( B) Governing Law
Main points -based, according to disease Zhuojia distribution points . Patients were sitting, doctor first hand heavy scraping Ren, Du , stomach, bladder, to skin redness, with Needle prick the top down through the head and limbs through acupuncture , prick should be light, depth of approximately 1 point. General rule only once , if efficiency is poor , rest two days and then pick a time .
( C) Evaluation
In this treatment 1000 cases , 871 cases cured , effective in 85 cases , ineffective in 44 cases , the total effective rate was 95.6% [ 3 ] .
( A ) acupoints
Main points: divided into two groups: 1 , Du meridian ( Ojo → to the sun ) ; 2 , bladder meridian ( large loom → Dachangshu ) .
( B) Governing Law
These two groups take any one group, mild symptoms can be taken only the first group , the average patient on points were taken . Patients were sitting , head forward, meridian points in the selected area coated with a thin layer of paraffin oil . With a flash fire , the first suction pulling Dazhui area , after hand tank slowly move down to Yang District , then pushed Tai push the case and from 6 to 8 times , so that local skin flushing or bleeding occurs , then leaving cans in Ojo . If all are pulling the warp , the first without leaving cans, using the same method in the four sides of the bladder meridian and from the suction pulling back vertebrae shift , the last remaining cans in Ojo , five minutes to go after the tank . Daily or every other day.
( C) Evaluation
The above method of treatment 267 cases , after 1-4 treatments , the effective rate was 95.1% ~ 100% [ 4,5,8 ] .
Body Acupuncture
( A ) acupoints
Main points: divided into two groups: a liquid gate ; 2 , Ojo , Qu pool , full three years.
Points : wind-heat type plus Yintang , gu , small business ; cold type plus foreign relations, the wind pool .
( B) Governing Law
The main point to take a group either . With multi- point match with Group 2 main points . Hydraulic door hole , piercing needles along the metacarpal bone gap of 0.5 to 1 inch, pay attention to avoid superficial vein , twirling around several times . Generally take unilateral ; 10 minutes plus stab contralateral ineffective , the needle 15 to 30 minutes . Group 2 points, both in needling slow Shi reducing method , after Yintang , small business prick bleeding, cold person , take the needle Dazhui Shi bird pecking moxibustion. Needle for 15 minutes , moxibustion five minutes . The above methods are daily.
( C) Evaluation
The above method of treatment , a single treatment with liquid door hole 394 cases , 365 cases were cured and markedly effective in 20 cases, 9 cases , the total effective rate was 97.7% ; every 2 point in the treatment group 31 cases , all be more [ 5,6 ] .
Point injection
( A ) acupoints
Main points: Ojo .
( B) Governing Law
Liquid placental tissue fluid, to the 5th dental needle at a 45 degree angle obliquely into the 1.5 -inch , after the gas injection of 2 ml injections as treatment twice a week as a preventive injection once a week.
( C) Evaluation
Prevention and treatment of 400 cases of the recent observation of 214 cases , treatment to alleviate the symptoms that day and the next day were 153 cases , accounting for 71.5% ; term follow-up ( 6 months to 5 years ) 126 cases , 199 cases not onset . Of which 33 cases of emergency ( temperature 38.5 ~ 40.4 ℃), for 4 to 12 hours, the temperature dropped to normal [ 7 ] .
Moxibustion ( the two : strong medicine line moxibustion )
( A ) acupoints
The main point: the sun , Yintang Dazhu , gu.
Points : increased vertebral fever , runny nose, nasal pass, plus Cuanzhu headache , cough, plus Feishu .
( B) Governing Law
Main points were taken , with points according to disease and increase . With thumb and forefinger held drug cord , exposing the thread 1 ~ 2cm, ignited. Note: The thread can only have Mars . Joint action with the wrist and thumb , agile direct pressure on the Mars thread point area , once the fire is out is a strong.
( C) Evaluation
Cohabitation 480 cases , the results recovered 161 cases , 209 cases markedly effective 107 cases , 3 cases , the total effective rate was 99.4% [ 9 ] .