Yin-yang doctrine

Yin and yang theory is the ancient Chinese philosophy of dialectical materialism is simple . Thus , the ancient physician borrow yin and yang theory to explain the phenomena of human physiology, pathology , and to guide summarizes medical knowledge and clinical experience, which gradually formed the basis of yin and yang theory of Chinese medicine theories.

Yin-yang doctrine

First, the basic concepts of the theory of yin and yang

Yin and yang theory that the universe everything has both yin and yang unity of opposites both regular constant motion and interactions. This movement and interaction , is the root of all things sports change. This constant motion of the ancients called ” biochemical endless .” “Q” yin and yang to be as big discourse : ” yin and yang ‘Corner Road also ( the existence of opposites is the fundamental law of all things ) , the discipline of all things ( all things can not go against this rule exists ) , changes in parents ( change things by itself, both yin and yang aspects of things , constant movement and interactions formed ) , the beginning of life and death ( the creation and destruction of things are from this fundamental rule ) , gods of the House also ( this is a natural all the wonders where ) , so will seek medical treatment in the ( so in order to cure disease , we must from this fundamental problem – the yin and yang be resolved ) . ” Clarifies the universe growth , development and demise of all things , all things both yin and yang and the result of the interaction of constant motion . Thus, the yin and yang theory has become understanding and mastering the laws of nature as a way of thinking . Medical belong to the scope of natural science that human physiological activities , development of the disease , but also beyond the truth no yin and yang . Therefore, we want to grasp the development of the disease process , and explore the nature of the disease, to obtain satisfactory results , it is necessary to seek changes in the body’s yin and yang .

Yin and yang, and the universality of meaning : the ancient thinkers believe that the two aspects of the universe, all things are interdependent and mutually antagonistic composition . These two aspects are called yin and yang.

In general, the positive things that have representatives moving, active , strong and so on the one hand property , for example, dynamic , strong, active, excited, active , bright, invisible, function , rise , exposed , light , hot, growing life activities. Female representatives have things quiet , inactive , soft , and other attributes of the hand, for example , quiet, gentle , not active, suppression, negative , dull, tangible, material , falling , including the re- of cold , reduced body and the like.

When two things happen when a certain contact , they can be divided into yin and yang. For example , the day of the sun , for the yin yang day , month yin ; fire as the sun, the water is cloudy , male to male , female to female ; during the day as the sun, the night was overcast …… .

If for example an animal , its flesh is yin , yang life activities ; its inner organs of yin , yang exposed fur ; its belly down yin , yang …… back up .

From the above examples illustrate , the yin and yang refers to everything in the universe , is the most fundamental difference between the height and generalization .

Second, the variation of yin and yang

Between yin and yang, not isolated and static , but there is a relative , dependent , ebb and flow , the relationship between transformation. Are described below :

Relative ( a ) of yin and yang : yin and yang is a two attributes of things, on behalf of contradictory and unified two ways. Things and phenomena are interrelated nature of the opposing sides of generalization. Such as days of sun , for shade ; daytime sun, the night was overcast ; the yang , under the shade ; heat of the sun , cold overcast ; etc. electropositive and electronegative . And so on, explains whatever things are opposites exist, however, the yin and yang of things attribute is not absolute, but relative , must be compared with each other according to the conditions under which the universe . On the surface of the human body yang , yin organs ; on the visceral , the six fu yang , the five internal organs Yin ; on internal organs , the heart and lungs in the case of the sun , under the shade in the liver and kidney ; on the kidney , the kidney are possession of “crack ” as yin and kidney , ” Gate of fire” is a yang . Thus, the properties of yin and yang of things are relative.

(B ) the interaction of yin and yang root : Ancient physician known as the ” yin and yang mutual roots .” Chinese medicine has ” rooted in yin yang , yin yang rooted in ” , ” lone female without children, single male is not long ” and “no yin yang free to students, no Yinze Yang no to ,” and so the argument . This means that , dependent yin yang , yin yang attached , between them , there is a mutually owned life, interdependence – that任何阳side or female side, while the other side can not leave alone . In nature , the outside as the sun, the yin ; the yang , under the shade during the day as the sun, the night was overcast . If not on the outside during the day , it can not explain , the inner darkness . In human physiology , the functional activity yang , nutrients ( body fluid , and blood , etc.) are yin . Various nutrients is the material basis of functional activities , with enough nutrients, functional activity on the performance strong. On the other hand , sources of nutrients , but also relies on functional activity of visceral lessons .

The above description of the two are mutually fall back on , survival and common , if not overcast , so there are positive . If the individual has no yin yang , or there is no yin yang , is bound to as “Nei Jing” , said: ” Yang is not born alone , alone overcast not long ” , then everything is still attributed to the quiescence .

(C ) the ebb and flow of yin and yang : yin and yang refers to opposition parties on the basis of mutual roots movement on is eternally changing , emerging “yin yang eliminate long” ” Yin Yang eliminate long” phenomenon , which is all things sports development and the process of change . For example : Four Seasons of climate change , from spring to summer and winter solstice from cold to warm gradually , is a ” yin yang eliminate long ” process ; from the Xia Zhiqiu to winter , the heat gradually becomes cold, it is a ” yin yang eliminate long” process. As the ebb and flow of yin and yang four seasons , so only cold and cool changes. Favorite things to grow . If you lose the often -degree weather , there has been abnormal changes , will produce disasters.

Clinically, the yin and yang Piansheng often partial failure ( ie, growth and decline of yin and yang ) to illustrate the different clinical syndromes . For example, the cold is yin, yin then see the cold syndrome , such as after a cold stomach by abdominal pain, diarrhea ; hot yang , yang then see the heat syndrome, such as general acute pneumonia , high fever , thirst , red skin acute fever and other symptoms . Some weakness of the disease, its pathogenesis is not because yin or yang Piansheng , but because of partial virtual . If a partial virtual female organs , called ” yin ” This is a shade away, ” Yang” relatively prominent , because the heat is a yang , so Yin see heat. This phenomenon is called ” Hot .” If a partial virtual yang organs , this is the sun disappeared, called the ” Yang ” , then “yin” relatively prominent, because the cold is yin, yang see so cold syndrome , a phenomenon known as the ” Deficiency .”

Under normal circumstances , often in relative balance of yin and yang , if the ” ebb and flow ” relationship beyond a certain limit , you can not maintain a relative balance , the yin and yang put one aspect appears Piansheng partial failure , leading to the occurrence of the disease.

(D ) the conversion of yin and yang : yin and yang refer to the same one , under certain conditions, when it developed to a certain stage, the two sides can respect each transformed its opposite , yin yang can be converted , can be converted yin yang , said as ” yin and transformation .”

If the ” yin and yang, ebb and flow ” is a quantitative process , then the transformation is a qualitative change in the process. “Q ” so-called “heavy Yinbi Yang , Chong will be overcast “, ” extreme cold heat “, ” hot polar cold .” Cold ” pole” when there could be transformed to the direction of heat , hot ” pole” when there could be transformed in the direction of the cold . As some acute fever , because evil heat very heavy , a lot of Haoshang body upright , in the case of persistent fever , sudden temperature drops can , cold limbs , pulse micro-stricken and other school chill crisis, this disease changes guilty by a positive negative. If the rescue in time , handled properly, so that righteousness restored limbs turn warm, colored veins turn and yang restored by overcast sun , her condition improved . In addition, a variety of common clinical transferred from the virtual reality from virtual reality turn , from the table into , syndromes change from the inside out tables, etc. , are also examples of transformation of yin and yang .

Third, the yin and yang applications in medicine

( A ) the relationship between yin and yang, and parts of the human anatomy : According to the above as the sun, the yin ; on as the sun , under the shade ; back yang , yin belly of the law , the people of the fur out of the sun , organs in the yin ; head on as the sun, next to the foot overcast .

( B) The relationship between yin and yang, and human physiology : the body’s healthy or not , depending on whether the harmony of yin and yang , such as ” Nei Jing” , said: ” Yin Pingyang secret , the spirit of governance .” Dietary intake of the human body through the spleen , stomach composting operation of the transport of nutrients throughout the body to make the body grow strong, so fecund life activities . After digestion of food tangible waste discharged from the front two overcast . If the body ‘s yin and yang balance maintained in the case , the body healthy.

(C ) the relationship between yin and yang and human pathology : the yin and yang of the body out of balance , it will exhibit a variety of symptoms , the symptoms of the ancients classification is also used to represent the yin and yang and description . Yang , the general performance of the symptoms are: fever , thirst , rapid pulse ( fast ) and other such symptoms, the ancients also known as hot ( ie positive ) card. Yin syndrome , generally presenting symptoms are: no heat, thirst , cold limbs , pulse delay ( slow ) and other such symptoms, the ancients also called cold ( yin ) card. This is the “via” said : “Yang Sheng is hot, then cold overcast wins .”

Another partial failure of yin and yang , yin or yang refers to lower than normal levels of disorder , the one below the normal level , and the other to maintain normal levels, or both are different degrees below normal levels , it appears deficiency . Yin deficiency , Yin Yang normal, raw heat ; insufficient yang, yin yang born outside normal then cold ; varying degrees of both yin and yang deficiency , the stomach, and Hot and see , or yin and yang . This is the “via” call ” raw heat yin , yang raw cold outside “, ” yin and yang ” card .

( Four ) in the diagnosis of yin and yang : yin and yang is diagnosed master . Although many diseases , but nothing more yin and yang are two types of its properties , such as the development of the disease from the site of view, not in the table ( Yang ) , on the inside ( yin ) . From the view of the nature of disease : heat syndrome ( yang ) , cold syndrome ( yin ) , from the development trend of the disease from it: Positive ( yang) ( yin ) . In short, the yin and yang can be summarized attributes of the disease.

( E) application in the treatment of yin and yang : There are many kinds of traditional Chinese medicine , but nothing more yin and yang of their performance categories , from medicinal point of view : cold, hot, warm , cold, warm yang , cold is yin . From the general principles of the treatment is ” to adjust the yin and yang , to level three ,” which is the basic starting point for treatment. For the rise and fall of yin and yang , take to fill the gap , which spilled more than that yin and yang Piansheng partial failure of anomalies to be corrected , restore its relative equilibrium . Chinese medicine commonly used treatment principles ” to heat the cold , hot cold , diarrhea real person , who make up imaginary ” , prompting the yin and yang imbalance restored to relative balance . By partial clinical potency , the yin and yang of the body to correct the bias , so that to achieve ” Yin Pingyang secret , the spirit of governance .” Clinical specific usage : ① Yang and Yin wins the cold, rule of law: the cold by heat ( thermal medicine ); ② Yin and Yang wins the heat treatment method : hot cold ( with cold medicine ); ③ righteousness lack of rule of law: who make up imaginary ; ④ evil side wins , the rule of law: real person diarrhea ; lack ⑤ yin , yang partial Kang , Governing Law: Yin and Yang ; lack ⑥ both yin and yang , Governing Law: AIDS yin yang ( yin and yang double up ) .