
There are three main drug contraindications:

(1) Incompatibility: the two drugs Ng produce toxic side effects or to reduce or eliminate the effect predecessors have “Eighteen anti” and “19 fear of description, by referring to the so-called anti-” opposite “is concerned, fear by referring to the so-called “relative evil” is concerned.

Eighteen anti licorice anti euphorbia, Euphorbia, daphne of algae.

Aconitum anti Fritillaria, Trichosanthes, Breit, Ampelopsis, Baiji.

Hellebore anti Ginseng, Radix Salvia, Scrophulariaceae, Sophora, Asarum, peony.

19 fear of sulfur fear Puxiao; mercury, arsenic fear; Euphorbia fear litharge; Croton fear cows; cloves fear turmeric; Aconitum, Aconitum fear horns; dental nitrate fear three shuttle; Guangui fear vaseline; ginseng fear Wulingzhi.

The above incompatibility, only when the drug reference, is not absolute. In ancient and modern recipes also have anti-examples with the use of fear, such as euphorbia and treatment of ascites with the use of licorice can better play euphorbia drip efficacy; party involved in Wulingzhi with epigastric pain with treatment, you can fill stomach pain ended, and efficacy of non-destructive. These issues need to be further studied in the future.

(2) pregnancy drug contraindications: taking certain medications during pregnancy can cause fetal irritability, and even cause miscarriage. According to the degree of the impact of drugs on fetal size, sub-categories disabled with caution.

Most disabled or toxic drug potency violent. Such as severe diarrhea prescription croton, aloe, senna; drugs by water Daphne, euphorbia, Euphorbia, commercial land, cows son; emetic Guadi, hellebore; anesthetic downtown sheep flowers; Poxue emmenagogue dry paint, Curcuma, ferulic, leeches, horsefly insect; Tongqiao drug musk, Toad, pangolin; other toxic agents such as mercury, arsenic, raw tuber, light powder.

Most potent drug with caution or a small drug drugs. If diarrhea prescription rhubarb, Glauber’s salt; stasis drugs peach kernel, safflower, frankincense, myrrh, Vaccaria, motherwort, Wulingzhi etc.; Tonglin diuresis medicine Dong Kuizi, Yiyiren; city Jiangni medicine magnet; Others, such as Office of summer, Southern Star, bezoar, Guanzhong and so on.

Where drugs are disabled can not be used with caution in pregnant women the drug should be used, where appropriate, in accordance with the condition. Who may or may not, should be avoided if possible, to avoid accidents.

3. When taking food taboos

Avoid eating food taboos for short, which is commonly referred to as taboo mouth. In ancient literature have EVER bogey onions; yellow, Polygonum, avoid onions, garlic, carrots; mint avoid turtle meat; Poria avoid vinegar; turtle bogey amaranth Levin; secret anti-raw onions and other records. This shows that the same can not eat certain foods when taking certain drugs. In addition, taking the drug should avoid cold sweat; spleen and stomach medicine should avoid greasy; swelling, qi drug should avoid beans; cough and asthma drugs should avoid fishy; diarrhea medicine should avoid fruits.

Cooked and dosage (three) medicine

1. Concocted purpose

(1) the elimination of impurities and non-medicinal parts, so that the drug purity, to the amount of accurate and reliable results.

(2) changes in drug performance enhancing drug efficacy. As to Huang versatility Haner cooling, system cooked the tepid and blood; Radix born with catharsis, prepared and cooked by the liver and kidney, black hair; Puhuang Sheng by expelling stasis, fried with bleeding; Corydalis vinegar enhance the analgesic effects; Atractylodes land speculation in the spleen and strong; Bupleurum Shu Gan stagnation wake system efficiency gains.

(3) reduce or eliminate the toxic side effects. Such as aconite, monkshood is highly toxic chemicals, after repeated immersion bleaching cook, toxic ingredient is hydrolyzed, dissolution, toxicity greatly reduced; After Breit, Southern Star by ginger, alum system can reduce toxicity, eliminate shock throat to induce vomiting thing; women Sadako brine mix steamed, to its cold, to avoid diarrhea.

(4) flavoring, flavoring. Honey roast, broil wine, vinegar Sunburn usually have flavoring, flavoring effect. If Wulingzhi Cuchao go bad taste and so on.

(5) ease of preparation, decoction and storage. After the cooked ingredients such as shellfish easy smash, easy to fry out of the active ingredient; Mustard Seed, Radish fry to go to their enzymes, the active ingredient can not be saved decomposition.

2. Common processing methods

(1) Water Method drugs can achieve a clean, soft, easy processing, and can reduce drug toxicity, spirits and bad odors. Including washing, bleaching, bubble, collapse, water, flying, etc. Act.

(2) the fire prepared by placing the drugs directly or indirectly, concocted in order to achieve a dry, crisp, browned purposes or charring on the fire.

Fried: There are fried fried and accessories. Fried stir up the pot is the drug, the use of different purposes, there is fried yellow, Chaojiao, fried charcoal points. Fried yellow, burnt flavor Chaojiao the drug channel, in order to enhance or improve the force spleen appetizer partial drugs. Fried carbon drugs can enhance the convergence of the power to stop bleeding, such as Nepeta charcoal. Accessories accessories fry fry is added, such as soil fried Atractylodes, Cuchao Bupleurum. Its purpose is to enhance the potency, efficacy and better play.

Sunburn: no much difference between fried and accessories, most people will use honey fried called Sunburn. Such as licorice, astragalus root.

Calcined: Is the drug directly or indirectly, the fire calcination, it is easy to crush crunchy. More applicable to ores or shellfish drugs.

Simmer: the drug is wrapped in wet paper or batter, buried in the ash or placed on a slow fire baking, charred surface of paper or batter for the degree of cooling strip of paper or batter to use. The purpose is to use paper or batter to absorb part of the drug in oil, to reduce irritating drugs and enhance drug efficacy, as simmer woody.

Cannon: It is the drug into the heated sand, brown fry bursting, ease of processing, and enhance its warm dry, while the drug can reduce the toxicity, such as guns aconite, Bao Jiang.

(3) fire and water with the system of law, including steamed, boiled, single three methods. Its purpose is to change the potency, enhance efficacy.

3. The amount of medicine
The amount that is in the clinical application of herbal components. Including the weight (grams), quantity (tablets, sticks), capacity (tablespoon ml).

General medicine safety is relatively large, but still need to pay great attention to individual toxic drugs, not excessive, determine the amount of the general principles are:

(1) the amount determined in accordance with drug performance: Where toxic drug dosage should be small steep intense, such as aconite, realgar and the like; quality to a large amount of heavy drugs, such as Ruddle, oysters; lightweight dosage should be light, If cicada; aromatic drug dosage should be light, such as cloves, sandalwood.

(2) the amount determined in accordance with the condition; mild or chronic illness, the amount should be light; disease-ridden stubborn dosage should be large, and some mild drug use, reuse different effects, such as Bupleurum light with Sun, reuse liver.

(3) determine the amount based on compatibility, formulations: blindly alone, the dosage should be heavy, compound compatibility, dosage should be light. Prescription medicinal amounts should be re-main and auxiliary medicinal amounts should be light; decoction should be heavy medication, pill powder dosage should be light.

(4) according to patient age, gender, body mass to determine the amount of: women, the elderly, the infirm, the amount of children should be light, man, and strong, the young dosage should be heavy.

Roughly the amount of various drugs law as follows:

Mosaic, aromatic channeling away of the goods 3-9 grams; rhizome 9-15 g; ore shellfish 15-30 grams; particular drug exception; Asarum usually no more than 3 grams, incense, musk general use 1-1.5 grams.

Second, the basic knowledge of prescription

(A) prescription is an integral part of science, law, parties, drugs, and is composed of selected drug compatibility on the basis of the dialectical method, therefore, we must first understand the relationship between prescription and treatment methods, in order to accurately and careful removal of medicinal side .

From the formation and development of Chinese medicine point of view, the governing law is summed up in the basis of accumulated considerable medical experience, after the prescription of a theory. But when the treatment method has been increased to the theoretical lessons learned, we become the guiding removal and use of prescription drugs prescription guidelines. For example, when a flu patients, after four diagnostic parameters, trial solicited by, identified as exogenous cold table evidence, according to the card table with sweat when law principles to heat the cold, and decided to use the method of relieving treatment Xin Wen, and press use the appropriate method effective prescription, or choose their own drug composition Xin Wen relieving agents, such as law decoction, can sweating table solution, evil people to safety. Otherwise, therapy and dialectical inconsistent set of square and out of touch therapies necessarily therapy, even anti make the condition worse. This shows that the governing law is the guiding principle of severance Prescription, prescription is the primary means of expression and the completion of the treatment method. So we often say “side to medicine as”, but first and foremost “from the law of parties, with the card’s Law”, the relationship between the two is mutually available, inseparable.

(B) the composition of the principle of prescription

Composition is not simply the accumulation of prescription drugs, but there are certain principles and rules. The ancients used “Jun, Chen, Zuo, so that the” four parts to generalize, to illustrate the compatibility of the drug master-slave relationship. An efficacy exact prescription, must be targeted, rigorous set of square, Fang Yiming indeed, focused and concise defended. Now “Jun, Chen, Zuo, so that the” meaning are as follows:

1. Therapeutic herbs play a major role in the cause or the main card for drugs, the general effect of a stronger, larger doses.

2. Robinson refers to prescription drugs to assist and strengthen the role of the main drug drugs.

3. Adjuvant refers to the prescription of another nature adjuvant. It also points:

(1) Positive Zuo: assisting the main drug treatment and certificate.

(2) Anti-Junior: The main drug inhibited, reduce or eliminate the side effects of the main drug.

4. So that the drug has two meanings.

(1) cited by the drug, both cited various drugs to patients by prescription drugs.

(2) reconcile drugs, both prescription reconcile the various drugs effects of drugs.

For example, a patient chills, fever, no sweat Erchuan, headache, floating and tight pulse. Its empirical dialectic is cold table. Optional with Mahuangtang treatment, prescription of ephedra, Xin Wen, diaphoresis, in addition to its etiology (cold) and rule-based drug master card; sweating solution Guizhi, Xin Gan warm, warm Jieji help enhance ephedra Gong statement, supplemented by drugs; almonds, stand by warm, help ephedra Xuanfei asthma, and to cure cough are certified as adjuvant; licorice, sweet warm, to reconcile the various drugs to make drugs.

Simple prescription, in addition to the main drug, the other ingredients are not necessarily possess. Such as peony and licorice soup, only the primary and secondary drug; Zuojinwan, only the main drug berberine and adjuvant Evodia; Ginseng alone, only the main drug ginseng complex prescription drugs can have two main flavor or two more flavor, auxiliary, adjuvant, drugs may also have two or more flavor flavor.

(C) the use of prescription (change)

Consisting of both prescription strict principle, there are great flexibility.

1. Smell subtraction of change

In the case of the main card is unchanged, with the changes and permits, and easy to add or certain drugs, making it more desirable therapy, also called “subtraction with the card.” For example Mahuangtang attending cold table evidence, if exogenous cold injured in the lungs, nasal sound of heavy Zheng Jian, cough, phlegm, chest tightness, shortness of breath, white fur, floating pulse who, when the Xuanfei cold-based, easy to go in Mahuangtang licorice, plus ginger soup consisting of three bend, the lung Xuan Chang, naturally all evidence are removed.

2. Changes in dose subtraction

This change means that the composition of prescription drugs the same, but the dose has changed, thus changing the function of the main aspects of the party and attending card. For example, SND and tongmai SND, two side by aconite, ginger, licorice shamisen composition, but in front of the ginger, with a smaller amount, caused limb Jueni micro attending Yin Sheng. Chill roll lying next Limai fine syndromes, there is Yang deficiency function. Rear of ginger, with a larger amount, attending Yin Sheng Geyang outer extremities caused Jueni, not anti-body chills, under Lee Qing Gu, pulse micro-stricken syndromes, there is back-by-yin yang, tongmai rescuing function.

3. Replacement dosage changes

More types of traditional Chinese medicines, have their own characteristics. The same prescription, due to the different formulations, its therapeutic effect is not the same, for example, the rationale for the pill by the ginger, Atractylodes, ginseng, licorice composed of an equal amount of pills, coke Deficiency rule, since under Lee, vomiting, abdominal pain, pale tongue, white, pulse delay of the card. If you focus on the treatment of chest stuffiness caused Yang, card see hearts swelling, nausea, chest full, sash with gas Shangni grab the heart, limbs not warm, pulse, etc., that spend four herbs decoction three times fry clothing (ie, Ginseng). This is not in accordance with the bit sick, the disease has the potential severity of the differences, so I take the pills slow cure, take a decoction of emergency rule, clinically often decoction into pills, powder, ointment, or pill, powder Recipe to soups, main priorities is to take a different meaning.

(Four) common dosage forms (formulations)

Formulation is based on the clinical use of herbal treatment needs of a variety of disease, the drug made a certain size or shape of different formulations, herbal formulations are many, and with the constant development of integrative medicine, herbal formulations increasing, traditional forms of quality , there are also a lot of reform process, now commonly used forms are described below:

1. Decoction after the drugs filled and the water or wine, or watery liquor soaked in half, then boiling for some time, and then to slag juice, known as soups, generally for internal use, such as ephedra soup, spleen soup . Decoction advantage is absorbed quickly, fast effect, subtraction and easy to use, can more fully take into account the special nature of each patient or various syndromes, is a formulation of the most widely used in clinical medicine.

2. The drug powder was pulverized to form a uniform mixture of dry powder, two kinds of oral and topical. Oral less fine powder at the end, could direct, blunt, such as Qili San; also thick end, temporary use when boiling water juice clothing, such as Hong Su scattered. Generally used for external topical powder, mixed with scattered wound or diseased parts, such as Shengjisan, golden powder; also for eye, blowing jets topical, such as Bingpengsan. Powder has produced simple, easy to take to carry, absorb faster, saving medicines, non-perishable and so on.

3. Pills are the drug research into the go, with honey, water or rice cereal, batter, wine, vinegar, a concoction round solid dosage forms, such as excipients made. Pills slow absorption, the drug lasting and small, taking, carrying, storage is more convenient, but also a common formulation. Generally applicable to chronic, debilitating diseases, such as Guipi, ginseng Yang Rong balls; there for emergencies, such as Angongniuhuang, Su Pill and so on. Commonly used in clinical pills have several pill, pill, paste pill, pill, etc.

4. Tablets will provide practicing traditional Chinese medicine processing or mixed with excipients, pressing round tablets dosage forms. Tablet dosage accuracy, small size. Taste bitter, with the stench of drugs by then sugar coated tablet, making it easy to swallow; For work or a case of gastric acid in the gut susceptible to damage drugs can pack enteric-coated tablets, so that in the intestine disintegration of the road. Tablets used widely, such as QKG, Sang Ju cold tablets.

5. Granules is a thick paste excel mention medicine, add some powder or powdered sugar is granulated powder drying. With boiled water, very convenient. Because sugar more easily accepted by children.

6. Ointment drug boiling juice concentrate is called a semi-solid paste. There are two kinds of oral and topical, oral, such as Sydney ointment; topical ointment such as rheumatism, sticking plaster, etc.

7. Dan agent generally refers contain mercury, sulfur and other minerals, plus sublimation after extraction of a compound from preparation. With a small dose, big role, with the characteristics of minerals. This multi-topical agents, such as red or red and white down Dan. In addition, it is customary to some of the more expensive drugs or drug formulations with special effects called Dan, as treasure Dan, Zixue so on. Therefore, Dan agent is not a fixed dosage.

8. Injection is based on the active ingredients of different herbal extracts with different methods, refined dubbed a sterile solution for subcutaneous injection formulations, acupuncture, muscle and veins. With a fast-acting, etc.. Therefore, oral medication for acute or difficult patients particularly suitable. Injection is a strong need for future formulations developed to meet the needs of emergency medicine.

9. Wine agent commonly known as wine. The drug is soaked into the wine, after a time, to slag juice for internal or external use.

(Five) decoction method

TCM decoction appropriate or not, directly affecting its efficacy, therefore, must understand the methods of traditional Chinese medicine decoction.

1. Extracting Methods

(1) medicine or appliance; to casserole, enamel dish as well, hanged iron, in order to avoid the occurrence of a chemical reaction.

(2) Extracting water; based on the volume of drugs, are generally in the flooding over Emulsion for the degree.

(3) Precautions

① Before medicine or the pharmaceutical cold water immersion period of time, the drug fully wet, so that the active ingredient is easy fried.

② generic drugs available Tong Jian. After boiling to simmer. Fry for 15-20 minutes. Prevent spills and rapid boil dry concoction when decoction. When medicine or not frequently open the lid to minimize the loss of volatile components. For Weihou tonic medicines, such as foxglove, Radix, etc., boiling time should be longer, more active ingredients being fried; heat, relieving, when the aroma of fried drugs should be shorter. In order to avoid loss of active ingredients or medicinal changed.

Some drugs frying method ③ special (prescription must indicate), are presented below:

Fry: shellfish, ore drugs, hard and difficult because of the smell of fried, fry should break, boil for 10-20 minutes, then lower the other drugs. Such as turtle shell, turtle shell, Ruddle, abalone, oysters, raw keel, gypsum, etc.; phragmites, Chine, Prunella, bamboo shavings, etc., should fry juice, with its juice, decoction on behalf of other drugs.

After following: aromatic scent of drugs, to take effect by its volatile oil, should in general nowadays drugs coming Jian Hao, fry four or five minutes, to prevent their active ingredients become separated. Such as mint, Amomum and so on.

Pack fried: fried drugs to prevent the reduction of turbidity or the digestive tract, throat negative stimulus, use a thin cloth kits well, then add the boiling. Such as halloysite, talc, Inula flower.

Another stew or other fried; certain expensive drugs to preserve their active ingredients, can be another stew or fried another. Such as ginseng (stew for three hours); antelope horn, rhino horn sliced fried another two hours serving juice or juice or water mill into a fine transfer service.