Calorie restriction and longevity of mice

Life span research in the field of mice, there is a very classic and well-known theory is calorie restriction can extend the life of mice, (Caloric Restriction), which is reduced by 1/3 of the food, eating regular meals to mice, will significantly improve the health and extend its life. This is an indisputable fact, and there are many experiments to prove.
Perhaps the reason is traditional Chinese medicine background, diet should be seventy percentage full, never over eat, which is the health of the teachings of our forefathers, right and proper things. When I in Kyoto University in Japan during the year into the Takeda laboratory , took over the management of SAM Mouse (Senescence Accelerated Mouse), sent a feeling, to reduce laboratory mice eating, dieting is hard to say, that is just back to normal food intake. Because in laboratory cages, mice 24 hours no shortage of food and water, and eating is rodents nature, and there is the habit of grinding teeth, ultimately, overeating. So that calorie restriction argument, should perhaps be more appropriate is limit of overeating.