Acupuncture long history of health and disease prevention 8

Acupuncture long history of health and disease prevention 8
Emphasis on the effect of repeated verification. Another important development of modern anti-pain care Acupuncture is a lot of control to observe the clinical effect, in order to confirm their reliability. There are three general methods: one is the establishment of a control group to compare. This work had been carried out on the 1950s and 1960s. At that time in order to prevent the flu, such as acupuncture, while based on a different drug prevention groups were compared, the results prove the preventive effect of acupuncture compared with some western medicine is superior. Second, through the accumulation of a large number of cases to prove the long-term effect is indeed. Prevention of inflammation such as acupuncture, observed number of cases of seven thousand cases were found to be prevented as long as the body’s response function is acceptable to achieve disease prevention. Others, such as meningitis, observed more than once reported that a total of two million people in six thousand cases of acupuncture prevention situation. Third, through a more rigorous scientific design to observe, such as acupuncture to quit smoking, single-blind treatment line, showing acupuncture to quit smoking successfully, although there is a certain psychological factors, but the main thing is to rely on physiological factors.