Arthralgia syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis)

Arthralgia syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis)
Male 48 years old, patients suffering from joint pain since 1998, climate change intensified, laboratory tests and other indicators of a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate, unhealed after treatment. Right knee surgery was null and void. Suddenly in June this year, knee swelling, pain, stiffness, unable to walk. Examination, pulse soft and fast, tongue red, greasy tongue fur, not fever, facial pain, knee swelling, tenderness. Meridian examination: Kidney channel points gaohuangshu allergic reaction, Hand-Foot-Yangming Meridian Hegu, quchi, zusanli, there is tenderness response to points outside the court, spleen Yin Ling Quan, gongsun points tenderness reaction, the liver channel has been Taichong Point tenderness reaction. Described above wind, cold, wet into arthritis course of time, complex sense of hot and humid summer, evil from the heat of its pathogenesis, mainly in kidney, patients located in the knee. Governance in order to heat dehumidification, through the channel qi flow.
Prescription: ① gaohuang, Hegu, Taichong, Yin Ling Quan, Zusanli.
② gaohuang, ququan, waiting, gongsun.
After treatment: According to Point kidney has been giving of treatment, cleaning Spleen Meridian. Day rotation between acupoints inside and outside the knees every time the first prick in and out xiyan, leaving needles for 15 minutes. 5 clinic, the swelling and pain totally disappeared, tenderness response weakened. 10 cases after, walking as usual, joints pain, tenderness reaction disappeared. There are only slight tenderness huanshu, home to the intradermal needle observed by the end of September the same year, no recurrence.

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