Arthralgia syndrome (sciatica)

Male, 53 years old, patients with low back pain for over two years, whenever he had an overcast and rainy days increase, accompanied by left lower extremity limb pain, unable to walk, restless, coughing when the pain increased. Check cooperation, next to the fifth lumbar tenderness, tenderness to the lower limb mass line, leg lift test in (+), at 35 degrees or less. Limited mobility left leg. Color white and greasy tongue coating, quality dark red. The patient felt the wind cold dampness evil, blocking the meridians, numb and not pass. Expelling blood circulation and pain relief of congestion dispel wind evil.
Prescription: Acupuncture 17 paravertebral, ring in the hole.
After the treatment: Acupuncture 1 a day, even the pin seven times, the pain disappeared.

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