Asthma (bronchial asthma)

Male, 34 years old, patients with asthma caused due early flu disease, attack, breathing difficulties, mouth Taijian, not supine, frequent and heavy autumn and winter episodes, each to be injected with aminophylline. Ephedrine to asthma, but can not cure, scarring moxibustion asked to do this. Zheng Jian are coughing, wheezing, not supine, worse at night, dry mouth, cold, hi hot drinks. Stool 3 times a day. Examination: pale complexion, pale tongue without coating, rapid pulse. Heart rate 105 beats / min, heart rate, Qi, right lung and wet rales could be heard. Chest, the two markings by ancestors. The combination of vein disease, syndrome is a virtual breath. Lung and kidney deficiency.Expelling righting, Yifei asthma.
Prescription: ① Dazhui, left fengchi, Right Feishu. Tanzhong.. ② Right fenmen. Left Feishu, Huagai.
After treatment: Take on the fertilizing to scar moxibustion. Dazhui first moxibustion. Left throttle. Right Feishu. The five-strong smell of mutton, moxibustion is good after suppurative, moxibustion sore 45 days to heal. Moxibustion asthma disease 4 months after the unknown. June 1964, a result of climate upheaval, they send patients with asthma patients, patients with the former, a second scarring moxibustion, take the right throttle, left Feishu. The five-strong canopy moxibustion. After moxibustion pursued two decades, asthma disease unknown.
[Press] scar Moxibustion is better than other therapies to treat asthma. Dazhui will be for the whole body of yang, yang can be accessible to uphold, Feishu for the infusion of the gas at the lungs, it can Xuanfei asthma moxibustion, the smell of mutton will be points for the gas, the gas can adjust the whole bodyTherefore, all points above moxibustion on asthma of lung, spleen, asthma, kidney asthma have good effect. Waves with a mark of 300 cases of moxibustion cure for this disease, the recent long-term efficacy can be.

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