Scarring Moxibustion

I once read an article sketches the Ming Dynasty who have do not remember the author and title, is an outsider mentioned Moxibustion. Author himself an official in the southern parts of the day caught a big robber, often forced into houses, rape women. Officials difficult to understand how 80-year-old man can still can do like this. Then privately asked, Robber, said: “Nothing special, just every year have moxibustion treatment under the navel for decades.”

On a famous acupuncture and moxibustion scientist, Mr. Tanan Cheng described the twenties of the last century, traveling Nagasaki, Japan, the culture of the region popular with moxibustion treatment. Any street or alley in the first end, there must be a moxibustion treatment rooms, physicians, and within the moxibustion technician. Moxibustion doctor do diagnosis and painting point mark, moxibustion technician burn herbal Ai (also known as moxa or Argy Wormwood Leaf) at the punctuation. At that time, moxibustion therapy is not common seen in China because Qing imperial court that unsightly. Later, I studied in Japan, also occasionally heard people talk about moxibustion treatment, saying that Kyoto is only a monk of a temple in the treatment, very effective.

Own over 40, all kinds of pain throughout the body began to appear. I do not know because the exertion injuries, or eating wrong, or other reasons, but I think it is related with the genetic constitution. Self-notebook from my father, there are a variety pain of neck, shoulder, waist, and leg constantly, but, while this year is already 85 years old, still not have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and other internal organs diseases. Probably poison did not stay within the organs are outward divergence to the limbs, joints. Also have give myself acupuncture treatment, a long time is too cumbersome, and inconvenient in winter. Search literature, Chinese ancient culture of moxibustion was very popular and always on the treatment of hundreds of Zhuang (burn a column is called a Zhuang), not only medical treatment available, even as for stronger health purposes. Great Doctor Sun Simiao have “To the health, the Zusanli Point should always moxibustion,” the famous saying. It was until the Qing Dynasty, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment has become significantly reduced.

According to the traditional methods, to produce their own moxibustion sore ointment and moxibustion sore care is very troublesome thing. Moxibustion sore cream, etc. figured out the main purpose is to help moisturizing and onset of moxibustion sore, it hands out as Vaseline gauze and paper tape, so that moxibustion sore care dressing on the more convenient.
Moxa should be to preserve more than a few years old better, mellow flavor, the new moxa is spicy pungent. Fixed points later, when, as part of different, moxa cone, large or small, muscular fat may like jujube nuclear size, other parts can be the size of grain of wheat or soybeans, but also with people vary. Moxa cone from small mounting, in principle, need the entire area heat thoroughly. Or dozens or hundreds of Zhuang, most require forty to fifty minutes. The onset of Moxibustion is key point in whole process, an average of forty days or so. Occasionally the onset of moxibustion sore is not a thorough, and perhaps need to use qi energy and blood nourishing herbal medicine, or eating high-protein content of food in order to help moxibustion sore episode, can also needle acupuncture around the sores, through the lead role in qi energy in order to help induce the moxibustion sore onset. Each site should not be too much moxibustion, as many injured blood and qi energy consumption, and moxibustion sore penetrating maturation is not ideal, of course, have to justify it, and according to the strength of endowment by moxibustion were determined.

If, after the color of pale scar moxibustion, which is toxic discharges have been outside, dark purple color, then maybe next year have to re-moxibustion

The pain of first few Zhuang is obvious, and then the pain reduced, and sometimes there is itching of the pleasure. This is, like acupuncture, some fear of needles as the fear of the tiger, some felt very happily, all vary.

I personally scarring moxibustion experience is that for various joint muscle pain effect of wind cold dampness good, and have a clear Warming strong role, feels even stronger than the number of American ginseng. Especially when practicing qigong, qi energy feeling more pronounced.

Scarring moxibustion Mechanism of conjecture is as follows:

The nature of the Ai is warm, and themselves with the power to help Yang, which is the difference between moxibustion and electronic or cigarettes burns.

2) The power of tonic qi of moxa fire can comparable to herbal ginseng.

3) The burning pain produced by stimulation of its own like acupuncture, have a clear function of the meridians and flow of qi energy.

4) Made moxibustion sore is the key to the whole process as a process of aseptic suppuration, local and in vivo with the septic poisoning caused by damp cold process directly excreted. Wind cold dampness and other toxic evil interpreted as abnormal protease expression, or abnormal or excessive. The future if given the opportunity, perhaps to be a test of whole genome and protein expression, (DNA Array, Protein Array), should not be one or two genetic changes, but rather was a regular change in communities.

5) Made the long process of moxibustion sore, is the body’s immune, neurological and other systematic and continuous stimulation to achieve the adjustment, the reconstruction of these systems function. Play a strong fitness role, especially effective in a variety of deficiency. Moxibustion Shihua-points used to spend the ancient rule tuberculosis, moxibustion Guan Yuan, Qi hai-Point Treatment of Diarrhea, impotence and other records.

In addition, because warm-acupuncture-moxibustion and indirect moxibustion lack of the moxibustion sore process, it would have some weak. The none-fire herb induced moxibustion is given to the sores scarring moxibustion and indirect moxibustion in between, there is the process of moxibustion sore, but depth in varying degrees, may be easier for the patient and his family accepted by the public.

Direct moxibustion for penetrating pus is a special usage, is now due to the popularity of antibiotics and surgery, using the opportunity will be even less.

Of course, painlessly, and beauty of the people do not fit moxibustion, palm and other parts of craniofacial inappropriate for moxibustion. A result of life-long scar, need to be used with caution, after deliberation, these are common sense, no more to say.

There is a suggestion after the subcutaneous anesthesia use direct moxibustion, and perhaps this method can be used for thermal treatment, on the pain syndrome seems to be defective, because of the pain stimulus itself have a clear function of the meridians and flow of qi energy, to achieve the pain improvement effect.

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